United Nations Decade of International Law : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly

  • Author: UN General Assembly (46th sess. : 1991-1992)
  • Document source:
  • Date:
    9 December 1991

The General Assembly,

Recalling its 44/23 of 17 November 1989 by which it declared the period 1990-1999 the United Nations Decade of International Law,

Recalling also that the main purposes of the Decade, according to resolution 44/23, should be, inter alia:

(a)        To promote acceptance of and respect for the principles of international law;

(b)        To promote means and methods for the peaceful settlement of disputes between States, including resort to and full respect for the International Court of Justice;

(c)        To encourage the progressive development of international law and its codification;

(d)        To encourage the teaching, study, dissemination and wider appreciation of international law,

Recalling further its resolution 45/40 of 28 November 1990, to which was annexed the programme for the activities to be commenced during the first term (1990-1992) of the United Nations Decade of International Law,

Expressing its appreciation for the report of the Secretary-General on the United Nations Decade of International Law, submitted pursuant to resolution 45/40,

Recalling that the Sixth Committee established at the forty-fifth session the Working Group on the United Nations Decade of International Law with a view to preparing generally acceptable recommendations on the programme of activities for the Decade,

Noting that the Sixth Committee reconvened the Working Group at the forty-sixth session to continue its work in accordance with resolution 45/40,

1.         Expresses its appreciation to the Sixth Committee and its Working Group on the United Nations Decade of International Law for their work at the current session and requests the Working Group to continue to work at the forty- seventh session in accordance with its mandate and methods of work;

2.         Also expresses its appreciation to States and international organizations and institutions that have undertaken activities in implementation of the programme for the first term (1990-1992) of the Decade, including sponsoring conferences on various subjects of international law;

3.         Invites all States and international organizations and institutions referred to in the programme to provide, update or supplement information on activities they have undertaken in implementation of the programme, as appropriate, to the Secretary-General, as well as to submit their views on possible activities for the next term of the Decade;

4.         Requests the Secretary-General to submit, on the basis of such information, a report to the General Assembly at its forty-seventh session on the implementation of the programme, together with views on possible activities for the next term of the Decade;

5.         Also requests the Secretary-General to supplement his report, as appropriate, with new information on the activities of the United Nations relevant to the progressive development of international law and its codification and to submit it to the General Assembly on an annual basis;

6.         Encourages States to disseminate, as appropriate, information contained in the report of the Secretary-General at the national level;

7.         Appeals to States, international organizations and non-governmental organizations working in this field and to the private sector to make financial contributions or contributions in kind for the purpose of facilitating the implementation of the programme;

8.         Once again requests the Secretary-General to bring to the attention of States and international organizations and institutions working in the field of international law the programme annexed to resolution 45/40;

9.         Decides to include in the provisional agenda of its forty-seventh session the item entitled "United Nations Decade of International Law".


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