Policy and Guidance
Strategy / Policy documents
These documents are issued by States relating to their strategies, visions, course of action, policies and positions relating to asylum-seekers, refugees, internally displaced persons, returnees and stateless persons as well as policy documents issued by international/regional organizations.
See all Strategy / Policy documents
Policy Recommendations
Policy recommendations are documents providing feedback and recommendations on public policies. This type includes recommendations by UNHCR to the EU Presidency as well as the recommendations and observations by UN human rights treaty bodies (the so-called 'concluding observations')
See all Policy Recommendations
ExCom Conclusions on International Protection
UNHCR’s governing Executive Committee (ExCom) meets in Geneva annually to review and approve the agency’s programmes and budget, advise on international protection and discuss a range of other issues with UNHCR and intergovernmental and non-governmental partners.
International protection is included as a priority theme on the agenda of each session of the Executive Committee. The consensus reached by the Committee in the course of its discussions is expressed in the form of Conclusions on International Protection (ExCom Conclusions). Although not legally binding, they are relevant to the interpretation and application of the international protection regime. ExCom Conclusions constitute expressions of opinion which are broadly representative of the views of the international community. The specialist knowledge of the Executive Committee and the fact that its Conclusions are taken by consensus add further weight.
UNHCR Policy & Guidance
UNHCR publishes many policy and guidance documents to assist States and the international community in the interpretation, application and implementation of international protection standards for forcibly displaced and stateless persons. In a separate section you can find a detailed explanation on which UNHCR publications are available on Refworld
Learn more about UNHCR publications