International Year of the Child.
- Author: UN General Assembly (34th sess. : 1979-1980)
- Document source:
18 October 1979
4. International Year of the Child
1. Expresses its deep satisfaction to all Governments which elaborated national programmes for the implementation of the aims of the International Year of the Child and to those among them which became initiators of major regional and other international events;
2. Expresses also its deep appreciation to the United Nations Children's Fund, the lead agency, and to the Executive Director of the Fund and his Special Representative for the International Year of the Child and her staff, and commends the efforts of other concerned organizations of the United Nations system and the contributions made by non-governmental organizations;
3. Urges Governments to make every effort to consolidate and to build further on the results of the Year in order to achieve lastingly increased benefits for children by such measures, where appropriate, as:
(a) Planning for programmes and services benefiting children, including integrated mother and child health care, in their national planning for social and economic development;
(b) Further identifying, defining and documenting the situation of children;
(c) Setting specific national targets and goals for meeting the needs of children, inter alia, in the fields of health and education and for the development of their intellectual and cultural abilities;
(d) Increasing budgetary provision for programmes benefiting children by reviewing and/or revising present priorities;
4. Recognizes the importance of assisting and protecting the family as a basic unit of society and the natural environment for the development and welfare of all its members, especially the children;
5. Requests Governments and organizations to develop special programmes of assistance to the children oppressed by the inhuman policy of apartheid;
6. Urges Governments and organizations providing assistance to developing countries through the United Nations Children's Fund and other channels to review their policies, in order to give more recognition to programmes benefiting children, and to increase the flow of such assistance;
7. Stresses the importance of following up the experience and activities of the Year through long-term plans and action to improve the situation of children in the world, particularly in the developing countries;
8. Designates the United Nations Children's Fund as the lead agency of the United Nations system responsible for co-ordinating the development aspects of the follow-up activities of the Year, in consultation with the Director-General for Development and International Economic Co-operation, within their respective spheres of competence;
9. Notes that the Executive Board of the United Nations Children's Fund will consider the scope of the Fund's co-operation with countries as a follow-up to the Year;
10. Requests Governments and organs and organizations of the United Nations system to evaluate and follow up the impact of the Year on their activities, and to inform the Secretary-General, who will report thereon to the General Assembly at its thirty-fifth session;
11. Invites non-governmental organizations to continue and expand their programmes related to children in order to maintain the momentum generated by the Year;
12. Requests the Preparatory Committee for the New International Development Strategy, in elaborating its goals and objectives, to take into account the importance of the interests of children and of meeting their needs.
39th plenary meeting18 October 1979
[1] A/34/512, annex. [2] See A/34/452 and Add.l.
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