The policies of apartheid of the Government of the Republic of South Africa
- Author: UN General Assembly
- Document source:
13 December 1967
2307. The policies of apartheid of the Government of the Republic of South Africa
1. Reiterates its condemnation of the policies of apartheid practised by the Government of South Africa as a crime against humanity;
2. Reaffirms its recognition of the legitimacy of the struggle of the people of South Africa for human rights and fundamental freedoms for all the people of South Africa irrespective of race, colour or creed;
3. Strongly reiterates its conviction that the situation in South Africa constitutes a threat to international peace and security, that action under Chapter VII of the Charter of the United Nations is essential in order to solve the problem of apartheid and that universally applied mandatory economic sanctions are the only means of achieving a peaceful solution;
4. Once again draws the attention of the Security Council to the grave situation in South Africa, and in southern Africa as a whole, and requests the Council to resume consideration of the question of apartheid with a view to ensuring the full implementation of its resolutions and the adoption of more effective measures to secure an end to the policies of apartheid of the Government of South Africa;
5. Condemns the actions of those States, particularly the main trading partners of South Africa, and the activities of those foreign financial and other interests, all of which through their political, economic and military collaboration with the Government of South Africa and contrary to relevant General Assembly and Security Council resolutions are encouraging that Government to persist in its racial policies;
6. Requests all States, particularly the main trading partners of South Africa, to comply fully with the resolutions of the Security Council on this question, to take urgent steps towards disengagement from South Africa and to take all appropriate measures to facilitate more effective action, under the auspices of the United Nations, to secure the elimination of apartheid;
7. Reiterates its request to the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development to deny financial, economic and technical assistance to the Government of South Africa and, in this connexion, expresses the hope that the Bank will stand by its assurance that it will avoid any action that might run counter to the fulfilment of the great purposes of the United Nations;
8. Appeals to all States and organizations to provide appropriate moral, political and material assistance to the people of South Africa in their legitimate struggle for the rights recognized in the Charter;
9. Invites all States to encourage the establishment of national organizations for the purpose of further enlightening public opinion on the evils of apartheid and to report annually to the Secretary-General on the progress and activities of such organizations;
10. Requests all States to commemorate, during the-the International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination-with appropriate solemnity, in solidarity with the oppressed people of South Africa;
11. Commends to the attention of all United Nations organs the report of the Seminar on Apartheid held at Brasilia[4] and the report of the International Seminar on Apartheid, Racial Discrimination and Colonialism in Southern Africa held at Kitwe, Zambia;
12. Requests the Special Committee on the Policies of Apartheid of the Government of the Republic of South Africa to intensify its co-operation with other special organs concerned with the problems of racial discrimination and colonialism in southern Africa, taking into account the relevant General Assembly resolutions and the conclusions and recommendations of the International Seminar held at Kitwe, in so far as they fall within the mandate of the Special Committee under General Assembly resolution 1761 (XVII) of 6 November 1962;
13. Requests the Special Committee on the Policies of Apartheid of the Government of the Republic of South Africa to continue to discharge its mandate and to intensify its efforts to promote an international campaign against apartheid and, to this end, authorizes it, within the budgetary provisions made for this purpose:
(a) To hold during the International Year for Human Rights a special session away from Headquarters;
(b) In consultation with the Secretary-General, to arrange for the advisory services of experts or special studies on specific aspects of the campaign;
(c) To consult with the Secretary-General and the specialized agencies, regional organizations and non-governmental organizations concerned and to submit to the General Assembly at its twenty-third session a report on measures which might appropriately be taken to ensure the widest dissemination of information on the evils of apartheid and the efforts of the international community to secure its elimination;
14. Requests the Secretary-General to intensify the dissemination of information on the evils of apartheid and to publish periodically information on economic and financial relations between South Africa and other States;
15. Invites States, specialized agencies, regional organizations and non-governmental organizations to co-operate with the Secretary-General and the Special Committee on the Policies of Apartheid of the Government of the Republic of South Africa in the accomplishment of their tasks under the present resolution.
1629th plenary meeting,13 December 1967.
[1] Ibid., agenda item 35, documents A/6864 and Add.1. [2] A/6818 and Corr.1. [3] Official Records of the General Assembly, Twenty-second Session, Annexes, agenda item 66, document A/6825. [4] ST/TAO/HR/27.
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