Actions on the regional level with a view to improving good neighbourly relations among European States having different social and political systems
- Author: UN General Assembly
- Document source:
21 December 1965
2129. Actions on the regional level with a view to improving good neighbourly relations among European States having different social and political systems
1. Welcomes the growing interest in the development of good neighbourly relations and co-operation among European States having different social and political systems, in the political, economic, technical, scientific, cultural and other fields;
2. Emphasizes the importance of maintaining and increasing contacts between those States for the purpose of developing peaceful co-operation among the peoples of the European continent, with a view to strengthening peace and security in Europe by all possible means;
3. Requests the Governments of the European States to intensify their efforts to improve reciprocal relations, with a view to creating an atmosphere of confidence which will be conducive to an effective consideration of the problems which are still hampering the relaxation of tension in Europe and throughout the world;
4. Decides to continue to give its attention to measures and actions for promoting good neighbourly relations and co-operation in Europe.
1408th plenary meeting,21 December 1965.
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