Measures in connexion with the earthquake at Skoplje, Yugoslavia
- Author: UN General Assembly
- Document source:
14 October 1963
1882. Measures in connexion with the earthquake at Skoplje, Yugoslavia
1. Expresses its deep sympathy to the people of Skoplje and the Government of Yugoslavia over this disaster;
2. Endorses the recommendation contained in Economic and Social Council resolution 970 (XXXVI) of 29 July 1963 inviting Member States to consider what further assistance they may be in a position to offer to Yugoslavia, and appeals to them to assist the Yugoslav Government in the execution of the five-year plan for the reconstruction of Skoplje;
3. Requests the Secretary-General of the United Nations, the heads of the specialized agencies, the Executive Directors of the World Food Programme and the United Nations Children's Fund, the Managing Director of the Special Fund, and the Executive Chairman of the Technical Assistance Board, to bear in mind the immediate and long-term needs of the Yugoslav Government in connexion with its plan for the reconstruction of Skoplje when deciding on the services to be provided to Member States in the light of the funds available.
1240th plenary meeting,14 October 1963.
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