Consideration of the grave situation in Tunisia obtaining since 19 July 1961

1622. Consideration of the grave situation in Tunisia obtaining since 19 July 1961

The General Assembly, Having examined the grave situation prevailing in Tunisia since 19 July 1961 which was the subject matter of Security Council consideration in its meetings of 21, 22, 28 and 29 July 1961,[1] Noting with concern and regret that France has not fully complied with the provisions of the interim resolution adopted by the Security Council on 22 July 1961,[2] Noting that the Security Council has failed to take further appropriate action, Convinced that the presence of French armed forces in Tunisian territory against the express will of the Tunisian Government and people constitutes a violation of Tunisia's sovereignty, is a permanent source of international friction and endangers international peace and security,

1. Reaffirms the Security Council's interim resolution and urges the Government of France to implement fully the provisions of operative paragraph 1 thereof;

2. Recognizes the sovereign right of Tunisia to call for the withdrawal of all French armed forces present on its territory without its consent;

3. Calls upon the governments of France and Tunisia to enter into immediate negotiations to devise peaceful and agreed measures in accordance with the principles of the Charter of the United Nations for the withdrawal of all French armed forces from Tunisian territory.

1006th plenary meeting,
25 August 1961.

[1] Official Records of the Security Council, Sixteenth Year, 961st to 966th meetings. [2] Ibid., Supplement for July, August and September 1961, document S/4882.

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