Question of assistance to Libya

1303. Question of assistance to Libya

The General Assembly, Recalling the part Played by the United Nations in the creation of the independent State of the United Kingdom of Libya, in accordance with General Assembly resolution 289 A (IV) of 21 November 1949 recommending that Libya should be constituted as an independent and sovereign State, and recalling that this independence was achieved on 24 December 1951, in accordance with that resolution, Recalling its resolution 515 (VI) of 1 February 1952, by which it requested the Economic and Social Council to study, in consultation with the Government of the United Kingdom of Libya, ways and means by which the United Nations, with the co-operation of all Governments and the competent specialized agencies, and upon the request of the Government of Libya, could furnish additional assistance to the United Kingdom of Libya with a view to financing its fundamental and urgent programmes of economic and social development, giving consideration to the possibility of opening a special account of voluntary contributions to that end, and to report thereon to the General Assembly at its seventh session Recalling further its resolution 529 (VI) of 29 January 1952 on the problem of war damages in Libya, Recalling its resolution 398 (V) of 17 November 1950 which recognizes the special responsibility assumed by the United Nations for the future of Libya, and its resolution 924 (X) of 9 December 1955, Having noted the communication dated 17 September 1958 from the Prime Minister of Libya[1]1addressed to the Secretary-General, Having noted the report of the Secretary-General[2]2on the question of assistance to Libya, Noting with satisfaction the technical assistance given to Libya under the United Nations technical assistance programmes, in accordance with General Assembly resolutions 726 (VIII) of 8 December 1953 and 924 (X) of 9 December 1955,

1. Invites anew all Governments willing and in a position to do so to provide financial assistance to the United Kingdom of Libya through the appropriate mechanisms available within the United Nations for receiving voluntary contributions, in order to assist Libya in the financing of its fundamental and urgent programmes of reconstruction and of economic and social development;

2. Recommends that, if and when further means become available for assisting in the financing of the development of under-developed areas and for expanding technical assistance to them, the United Nations and the specialized agencies should give due consideration to the specific development needs of Libya;

3. Requests the Secretary-General, the Technical Assistance Board, and the specialized agencies concerned to continue to waive local costs and to give all possible favourable consideration to the requests of Libya for technical assistance, taking into account the special needs of Libya and the principles of the technical assistance programmes of the United Nations and of the specialized agencies enumerated in Economic and Social Council resolution 222 (IX) of 15 August 1949;

4. Requests the Secretary-General to draw the attention of the Managing Director of the Special Fund to the communication of the Prime Minister of Libya dated 17 September 1958 and to the recommendations contained in paragraph 2 above;

5. Requests the Secretary-General to bring the present resolution to the attention of the Governments of Member States and to take the necessary measures to facilitate the implementation of paragraph 1 above;

6. Requests the Secretary-General to make a special report on the question of United Nations assistance to Libya in time for the report to be placed on the provisional agenda of the fifteenth session of the General Assembly.

783rd plenary meeting,
10 December 1958.

[1]1 Ibid., Thirteenth Session, Annexes, agenda item 30, document A/3961. [2] Ibid., document A/3960

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