Eritrea: report of the United Nations Commissioner in Eritrea

617. Eritrea: report of the United Nations Commissioner in Eritrea

The General Assembly, Recalling its resolution 390 A (V) of 2 December 1950, providing that Eritrea be constituted an autonomous unit federated with Ethiopia under the sovereignty of the Ethiopian Crown, Having noted the adoption and ratification of the Eritrean Constitution and the ratification of the Federal Act embodying the provisions contained in paragraphs 1-7 inclusive of that resolution, Having noted that the conditions laid down in paragraph 13 of resolution 390 A (V) of 2 December 1950 have been fulfilled, and that on 11 September 1952 the Federation of Eritrea with Ethiopia was proclaimed, Noting further the final report[1] of the United Nations Commissioner in Eritrea of 17 October 1952 and the report[2] of the Administering Authority of 27 October 1952, Noting with appreciation the part played by the United Nations Commissioner and the former Administering Authority in Eritrea in preparing Eritrea to take its place in the Federation, Noting also with satisfaction the contribution made by Ethiopia to the establishment of the Federation and Ethiopia's expression of determination scrupulously to execute the provisions of the Federal Act,

1. Welcomes the establishment of the Federation of Eritrea with Ethiopia under the sovereignty of the Ethiopian Crown;

2. Congratulates the people and governmental authorities of the Federation for their effective and loyal fulfilment of resolution 390 A (V) of the General Assembly of 2 December 1950.

404th plenary meeting,
17 December 1952.

[1] See Official Records of the General Assembly, Seventh Session, Supplement No. 15. [2] See document A/2233.

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