Libya: Report of the United Nations Commissioner in Libya; Reports of the administering Powers in Libya

387. Libya: Report of the United Nations Commissioner in Libya; Reports of the administering Powers in Libya

The General Assembly, Hating resolved by its resolution 289 A (IV) of 21 November 1949 that Libya shall be constituted a united independent and sovereign State, Hazing noted the report [1] of the United Nations Commissioner in Libya, prepared in consultation with the Council for Libya, and those of the administering Powers,[2] submitted in accordance with General Assembly resolution 289 A (IV), as well as the statements[3] made by the United Nations Commissioner and the representatives of the Council for Libya, Having noted in particular the confidence expressed by the United Nations Commissioner that the aim of the General Assembly, namely, that Libya should become an independent and sovereign State, will be attained within the time-limit prescribed, with the increasing co-operation of the administering Powers with the United Nations Commissioner and the mutual coordination of their activities toward that end, Having noted the statements in the above-mentioned report of the United Nations Commissioner regarding the needs of Libya for technical and financial assistance both before and after independence, if such assistance is requested by the Government of Libya,

1. Expresses confidence that the United Nations Commissioner in Libya, aided and guided by the advice of the members of the Council for Libya, will take the necessary steps to discharge his functions toward the achievement of the independence and unity of Libya pursuant to the above-mentioned resolution;

2. Calls upon the authorities concerned to take all steps necessary to ensure the early, full and effective implementation of the resolution of 21 November 1949, and particularly the realization of the unity of Libya and the transfer of power to an independent Libyan Government; and, further,

3. Recommends:

(a) That a National Assembly duly representative of the inhabitants of Libya shall be convened as early as possible, and in any case before I January 1951;

(b) That this National Assembly shall establish a Provisional Government of Libya as early as possible, bearing in mind 1 April 1951 as the target date;

(c) That powers shall be progressively transferred to the Provisional Government by the administering Powers in a manner which will ensure that all powers at present exercised by them shall, by 1 January 1952, have been transferred to the duly constituted Libyan Government;

(d) That the United Nations Commissioner, aided and guided by the advice of the members of the Council for Libya, shall proceed immediately to draw up a programme, in co-operation with the administering Powers, for the transfer of power as provided in subparagraph (c) above;

4. Urges the Economic and Social Council, the specialized agencies and the Secretary-General of the United Nations to extend to Libya, in so far as the may be in a position to do so, such technical and financial assistance as it may request in order to establish a sound basis for economic and social progress;

5. Reaffirms its recommendations that, upon its establishment as an independent State, Libya be admitted to the United Nations in accordance with Article 4 of the Charter.

307th plenary meeting,
17 November 1950.

[1] See Official Records of the General Assembly, Fifth Session, Supplement No. 15. [2] See documents A/1387, A11390 and A/1390/Add.1. [3] See Official Records of the General Assembly, Fifth Session, Ad Hoc Political Committee, 7th-17th meetings inclusive.

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