Situation of human rights in Cuba.

1990/48. Situation of human rights in Cuba

The Commission on Human Rights, Recalling the report of the mission which took place in Cuba in accordance with Commission decision 1988/106 of 10 March 1988 (E/CN.4/1989/46 and Corr.1), Aware that this report contains questions and issues which have not been fully addressed, as well as testimonies from hundreds of individuals concerning the question of human rights in Cuba, Recalling also its decision 1989/113 of 9 March 1989, in which it requested the Secretary-General to maintain contacts with the Government of Cuba on the issues and questions contained in the report, Taking note of the letter of the Secretary-General to the Chairman of the Commission dated 29 January 1990, in which the Secretary-General informed the Commission that he has been maintaining ongoing contacts, both written and oral, with the Government of Cuba on this matter, Expressing appreciation to the Secretary-General for his efforts in support of respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms, Concerned by reports that witnesses who testified before the Working Group of the Commission have since been subject to arrest, harassment, or other forms of reprisals by the Government of Cuba, Aware of its responsibility to defend and support those who have put their faith in this body and its representatives in promoting and protecting human rights and fundamental freedoms,

1. Call upon the Government of Cuba to honour its repeated guarantees to the representatives of the Commission who visited Cuba pursuant to decision 1988/106 that individuals who attempted to present information to these representatives would not be subject to reprisals, detention, or negative consequences of any nature whatsoever;

2. Calls upon the Government of Cuba to provide the Commission, at its forty-seventh session, with a response to the unanswered questions put to the Cuban authorities by representatives of the Commission (E/CN.4/1989/46 and Corr.1, annex XVI) and to questions related to the documents listed in annex III to the report of the mission;

3. Welcomes the willingness of the Secretary-General to put himself at the disposal of the Commission regarding his ongoing contacts with the Government of Cuba, as expressed in his letter to the Chairman of the Commission dated 29 January 1990, and requests that he provide, under this agenda item, the results of these contacts to the Commission at its forty-seventh session.

52nd meeting
6 March 1990
[Adopted by a roll-call vote of 19 to 12,
with 12 abstentions. See chap. XII.]

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