Slovenia: Law of 1999 on Asylum (abrogated)
- Document source:
14 August 1999
Article 1 Right to asylum
[1] This law lays down the principles, conditions and procedure for obtaining asylum status, its termination as well as the status, rights and obligations of refugees in the Republic of Slovenia.
[2] The Republic of Slovenia shall grant asylum to aliens who request protection on the grounds stipulated in the Geneva Convention Relating to the Status of Refugees and the Protocol relating to the Status of Refugee (hereinafter: the Geneva Convention).
[3] The Republic of Slovenia shall grant asylum to aliens who request protection if their deportation to their country of origin might pose a threat to their safety or physical integrity in the sense of Article 3 of the European Convention on Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms as amended by Protocol No. 3, 5 and 8 and complemented by Protocol No. 1, 4, 6, 7, 9 and 11, under circumstances not laid down in the Geneva Convention that might still represent sufficient grounds for these persons not to be deported to their country of origin (asylum on humanitarian grounds).
Article 2 Definitions
For the purposes of this Law, the terms below shall have the following meanings:
"Refugee" is a person to whom the right to asylum has been recognised according to this Law;
"Asylum" is the protection granted to aliens in the Republic of Slovenia. In particular, such protection includes the right to stay in the Republic of Slovenia, the rights granted to refugees on the basis of the Geneva Convention as well as the rights guaranteed in this Law.
"Asylum application" is an application (claim) by which an alien is seeking protection according to paragraphs 2 and 3 of article 1 of this Law;
"Asylum seeker" is an alien who has submitted an asylum application; he is considered as such from the moment of the submission until the adoption of the final decision.
"Alien" is every person who is not a citizen of the Republic of Slovenia.
"Safe Third Country" shall mean a country where the refugee stayed prior to arriving in the Republic of Slovenia provided:
1. he/she is there safe from persecution or human rights violations in the sense of Article 1, Paragraphs 1 and 2 of this Law,
2. he/she is able to satisfy his/her basic subsistence needs in that country,
3. he/she can legally return to that country and file an asylum application without any risk of being expelled or deported to a country where his/her life or freedom would be threatened.
"Country of Origin" is the country of foreigner's citizenship or a country in which a stateless person had the last residence.
Article 3 Integrity of the family and rights of close family members
[1] Pursuant to this Law, the right to asylum shall be recognised to close family members as well. In this Law, close family members are considered to be the spouse and minor unmarried children and parents of minor refugees. A close family member of an unaccompanied minors shall be considered as the authorised custodian of the child.
[2] According to the paragraph above, the right to asylum is recognised to a spouse of a refugee only if the marriage was entered into before arriving in the Republic of Slovenia.
[3] In the asylum procedure, family members referred to in the first paragraph of this Article shall have the same legal status as the asylum applicant.
Article 4 Grounds for exemption
[1] Right to asylum shall not be granted to persons reasonably suspected:
- of having committed a crime against peace, a war crime or a crime against humanity as stipulated by international documents;
- of having committed a serious non-political crime in a country other than the Republic of Slovenia before being admitted to the Republic of Slovenia as refugees; and
[2] Right to Asylum shall not be granted to persons who already enjoy the assistance or protection by bodies and agencies of the United Nations with the exception of the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (hereinafter Office of the UNHCR).
[3] Right to asylum shall not be granted to persons, who have been recognised the same rights and duties as citizens of the Republic of Slovenia by competent authorities of the Republic of Slovenia.
Article 5 Asylum termination
[1] A refugee shall loose the refugee status:
1. if he/she voluntarily seeks protection in the country of origin;
2. if he/she voluntarily re-acquires citizenship after having lost it;
3. if he/she acquires new citizenship and enjoys the protection of the country of his new citizenship;
4. if he/she voluntarily returns to the country which he has left or stayed outside its territory on the grounds of fear of persecution;
5. if the circumstances, on the grounds of which refugee status was granted to him, cease to exist;
6. if the person in question has no citizenship and can due to the cessation of circumstances on the grounds of which refugee status was granted to him return to the country of his previous residence.
[2] In sub-paragraphs (5) and (6) of the paragraph above, a refugee does not lose his refugee status if he can produce evidence of credible persecution and on these grounds continues to reject protection in the country of which he is citizen or in the country of his previous residence.
Article 6 Prohibition against forced removal or deportation
[1] Forced removal or deportation of persons to a country where their life or freedom would be threatened on the grounds of race, religion, nationality, membership of a particular group or political opinion or to a country where he could be exposed to torture or inhuman and degrading treatment or punishment is not allowed.
[2] The prohibition against extradition or deportation of persons mentioned in the above paragraph shall not apply for person with justified reasons that they might pose a threat to the state security or who have been convicted under a final judgement for a very serious criminal offence and who therefore pose a threat to the community of the Republic of Slovenia.
Article 7 Entry into the Republic of Slovenia
[1] An alien who upon entry in the Republic of Slovenia declares his/her intention to submit an asylum application in the Republic of Slovenia shall be treated as an asylum applicant in accordance with this Law and he/she must be allowed to enter the State.
[2] The Minister of the Interior shall prescribe in details the procedure and the treatment of persons mentioned in the paragraph above.
Article 8 Illegal entry in the Republic of Slovenia
(1) The alien who will illegally enter into the Republic of Slovenia after this law enters into force shall lodge, without delay, her/his asylum applications with the competent authorities.
(2) The person mentioned in the previous paragraph shall not be punished for illegal crossing of the state border.
Article 9 Assistance to asylum applicants
[1] Asylum applicants shall be given opportunities to lodge their asylum applications as soon as possible.
[2] An asylum applicant shall be informed of the procedure for acquiring asylum status and his rights and duties in such a procedure as well as about the right to contact NGOs which are providing help to refugees, in a language he can understand.
[3] An asylum applicant shall have the right to select his legal counsellor (representative) or refugee counsellor as per Article 16 of this Law to assist him during the procedure.
[4] Persons mentioned above selected by the asylum applicant as well as representatives of the Office of the UNHCR shall have the right to contact the asylum applicant at any time and at all stages of the procedure for asylum.
[5] An asylum applicant shall have the right to request contacts with persons and representatives mentioned in the previous paragraph at any time.
Article 10 Duty of co-operation of authorities of the Republic of Slovenia with the Office of the UNHCR
[1] In matters and questions regarding refugees and asylum seekers, the state and local authorities of the Republic of Slovenia shall provide the Office of the UNHCR and the assistance requested in the course of their tasks, particularly with respect to implementation of the Geneva Convention and other international instruments concerning refugees.
[2] Competent authorities of the Republic of Slovenia shall report to the Office of the UNHCR on a regular basis and upon its request supply accurate data on:
- the refugee situation in the Republic of Slovenia;
- application and implementation of the Geneva Convention and other international documents concerning refugees; and
- laws, regulations and other general legal acts in force or under preparation which concern refugees.
[3] Competent authorities shall immediately inform the representative of the UNHCR in the Republic of Slovenia of any asylum application submitted, enable him to contact asylum applicants, inform him of the progress of individual procedures and decisions by competent authorities and enable him to make comments on these procedures and decisions.
Article 11 Asylum applicants' right to temporary residence
[1] An asylum applicant who entered Slovenia pursuant to Article 7 of this Law and lodged an asylum application in accordance with this Law shall be allowed to reside in Slovenia for the time period necessary for completion of the procedure by virtue of a final decision.
[2] The provision in the previous paragraph shall also apply to an alien who is in Slovenia and lodges an asylum application in accordance with this Law.
Article 12 Language in the asylum procedure and right to interpreting services
[1] An asylum applicant shall be enabled to follow and participate in the procedure in a language he can understand. If the applicant does not understand the official language of the procedure he shall be provided the services of an interpreter.
[2] The interpreter for asylum applicants shall be a court approved interpreter; however, if this is not possible interpreting can also be entrusted to a trustworthy person capable of interpreting into a language the asylum applicant can understand.
[3] The interpreter is entitled to compensation payable out of budget of the Republic of Slovenia in accordance with rules on court approved interpreters.
[4] An asylum applicant can provide his own interpreter at his own expense.
Article 13 Female asylum applicants
(1) Upon their reasonable request, female asylum applicants shall be entitled to have a female person to conduct the asylum procedure, according to possibilities.
(2) The above shall also apply for providing interpreters.
Article 14 Unaccompanied minors
[1] Unaccompanied minors are aliens who are under eighteen years of age and arrive in Slovenia, or upon their arrival remain in Slovenia unaccompanied by parents or other legally responsible person.
[2] Prior to the commencement of the procedure, an unaccompanied minor who applies for asylum shall be assigned a legal representative by the competent authority of the Republic of Slovenia.
[3] Asylum applications submitted by unaccompanied minors shall have priority and shall be resolved in the shortest time possible.
[4] In the shortest time possible competent authorities shall establish the minor's identity and verify whether he is actually unaccompanied.
[5] Unaccompanied minors shall not be deported to their country of origin or to a third country willing to accept them unless adequate reception and basic living conditions are provided for them in such a country.
[6] In no case shall unaccompanied minors be deported contrary to the adopted international instruments.
Article 15 Legally incompetent persons
[1] Legally incompetent persons who apply for asylum shall be assigned a legal representative prior to commencement of the procedure.
[2] The legal representative shall be designated by the competent authority in accordance with the law.
[3] A person referred to in first paragraph of this Article shall be entitled to all necessary protection and basic care.
Article 16 Refugee counsellors
[1] For providing support and legal assistance to aliens in asylum and procedural matters, the Minister of Justice shall appoint refugee counsellors.
[2] Upon the aliens' request, refugee counsellors shall:
- inform aliens of all issues concerning laws and other regulations as well as general legal acts in the field of asylum and asylum application;
- provide assistance in lodging their asylum application;
- provide general legal assistance;
- represent them in the asylum procedure.
[3] The Minister of Justice shall appoint counsellors from among lawyers who have passed the state legal exam and have adequate experience in asylum and refugee matters.
[4] Refugee counsellors are entitled to be remunerated for the work they perform and be reimbursed for any expenses out of the budget of the Republic of Slovenia and according to criteria established by the Minister of Justice.
Article 17 General obligations of asylum applicants and refugees
[1] Asylum applicants and refugees shall honour the laws and other regulations and general legal acts in force in the Republic of Slovenia.
[2] Asylum applicants shall co-operate with the competent authorities of the Republic of Slovenia and subject themselves to their measures.
Article 18 Personal data protection
[1] Personal data collected and obtained during the asylum procedure by competent authorities and other state authorities shall be protected in accordance with the Law on Personal Data Protection and the provisions of this Law.
[2] All declarations, statements, explanations and data presented to authorities mentioned in the previous paragraph by an asylum applicant in the asylum procedure shall be considered as confidential.
[3] Authorities mentioned in the first paragraph shall use particular care in protecting any declarations, statements, explanations and data presented in the procedure by an asylum applicant from the authorities of his country of origin.
Article 19 Integration assistance
The Republic of Slovenia shall establish conditions for the integration of refugees into the cultural, economic and social life of the Republic of Slovenia. In doing so, it shall pay special attention to:
- organising Slovenian language courses for refugees;
- organising courses and other forms of further education and vocational training for refugees and
- informing refugees about the Slovenian history, culture and constitution.
Article 20 The authorities
[1] Asylum procedures at first instance shall be conducted by the Ministry of the Interior.
[2] The procedure may be conducted only by authorised officers adequately qualified in that subject.
[3] An asylum applicant may file an appeal against a decision issued in the asylum procedure by the Ministry of Interior at the Administrative Court.
[4] Asylum authorities shall have unhindered access to accurate and up-to-date information on the actual situation in the refugee's individual country of origin.
Article 21 Relationship to the procedures in the Law on Aliens
[1] According to the provisions of the Law on Aliens, an alien who has lodged an asylum application cannot apply for a temporary residence permit starting from the day of submitting the application until the final rejection of the application.
[2] The provisions on forced removal of an alien shall also apply to the removal of an asylum applicant whose asylum application has been finally rejected and departure from Slovenia ordered, if not otherwise stipulated by this Law.
Article 22 Tasks of the authorities in the procedure
The procedure shall establish whether the asylum applicant meets the conditions for acquiring asylum status in the Republic of Slovenia in accordance with this Law.
Article 23 Application of the Law on General Administrative Procedure
In the asylum procedure, the Law on General Administrative Procedure shall be applied except where stated otherwise by this Law.
Article 24 Principles of the procedure
[1] The procedure begins when an asylum application is lodged.
[2] The competent authority shall enable the asylum applicant to exhaustively present, explain and prove all circumstances and facts which might be of importance for obtaining asylum.
[3] The asylum applicant shall actively co-operate with the competent authority throughout the procedure. The asylum applicant shall present and explain all facts and circumstances known to him, facilitate the competent authority access to all available evidence and produce all documents and certificates in his possession which might be of importance for the procedure.
[4] The competent authority shall establish the actual state of affairs and by virtue of official duty establish, verify and consider all facts and circumstances as well as obtain all available evidence which might be of importance for reaching a lawful and correct decision.
[5] The decision of the competent authority on the granting of asylum and recognition of refugee status or rejection of an application is not dependent on the production of any particular formal evidence. It is based exclusively on the full examination of all circumstances and facts, available evidence as well as the explanations and clarifications of the asylum applicant.
[6] In the procedure the competent authority shall enable asylum applicants to protect and assert their rights guaranteed by the law in the easiest way possible. The competent official person conducting the procedure shall be in charge of preventing an applicant's lack of knowledge and experience from damaging his rights.
Article 25 Lodging an asylum application
[1] Asylum applications shall be lodged with the Ministry of Interior.
[2] The alien as per Article 8 of this Law shall lodge the asylum application at the Ministry of Interior, at the Asylum Home or at the Police.
[3] Aliens who are not in the Republic of Slovenia may lodge their asylum application at the diplomatic or consular missions of the Republic of Slovenia.
[4] An alien who desires or expresses an intention to lodge an asylum claim at the state or local authority which is not competent for the matter, shall be referred to the competent authority.
[5] The state or local authority (from the previous paragraph) to which an alien has addressed his desire or intention to lodge the asylum application shall put such a declaration on the record without delay. The record shall be signed by the asylum applicant as well as by the official of the state authority.
[6] The Minister of Interior shall issue guidelines regarding acceptance, content and handling of an asylum application and a declaration on the record from the previous paragraph.
Article 26 Duties of border authorities
National border authorities and other state or local authorities which receive an asylum application shall immediately refer the alien to the Asylum Home; similarly an asylum application lodged or an official record on the declaration or intention of an alien to ask for protection in the Republic of Slovenia on the basis of Article 1, Paragraphs 2 or 3 of this Law, together with any other relevant data, shall be forwarded to the competent authority without delay.
Article 27 Limitation of movement
[1] If necessary, the movement of an asylum applicant can be temporarily limited on the grounds of:
- establishing the identity of the applicant; or
- preventing the spread of contagious diseases.
[2] Movement can be limited:
- by means of prohibition of movement beyond a certain area; or
- by means of prohibition of movement outside the asylum home; or
- by means of prohibition of movement outside a certain border crossing if accommodation is available there.
[3] Limitation of movement shall be ordered by a decision issued by the Ministry of the Interior. Limitation of movement may stay in effect until the grounds for it subsist but in any event for no longer than three months. If the grounds for limitation of movement still exist after that period the limitation can be extended for a further period of one month. Limitation of movement on the grounds of preventing the spread of contagious diseases shall stay in effect until the grounds therefor subsist.
[4] An asylum applicant has the right to appeal against a decision on limitation of movement at the Administrative Court within three days after a decision has been served on him/her. The Administrative Court shall within 3 days call for a hearing and decide on the appeal. The appeal does not prevent the execution of the decision.
Article 28 Unaccompanied minors in the asylum procedure
[1] To an unaccompanied minor a legal guardian shall be appointed before the start of the asylum procedure.
[2] While examining an asylum application lodged by an unaccompanied minor, the competent authority in co-operation with the legal guardian shall take into account the level of minor's mental maturity.
Article 29 Hearing of an asylum applicant
[1] The competent authority shall hear every asylum applicant in person and without delay. If necessary, an asylum applicant may be heard several times.
[2] By virtue of a hearing, the asylum authorities shall in particular establish:
- the identity of the asylum applicant and family members accompanying him;
- grounds on which his asylum application is based;
- the applicant's itinerary and his stops en route to Slovenia and whether he has asked for asylum in any other country; and
- all other facts and circumstances relevant to the decision.
[3] The asylum applicant shall state all facts and circumstances which justify his fear of persecution and all facts and circumstances speaking against his forced removal from the Republic of Slovenia or deportation to a particular country. The asylum applicant shall submit to the competent authority all evidence available to substantiate his application and provide a credible and convincing explanation of all grounds which substantiate his application if there is no evidence.
[4] An asylum applicant shall provide all personal data and data on his past experience relevant to the establishment of his identity or are in any other way relevant to the procedure.
[5] The competent authority shall give an asylum applicant enough time to prepare for the hearing and enough time to seek the assistance and support of a legal representative or other counsellor which he deems necessary.
Article 30 Participation of other persons in the asylum procedure
[1] The hearing of an asylum applicant shall not be open to the public.
[2] The hearing of an asylum applicant and other acts in the asylum procedure may be attended by:
- his legal representative;
- a representative of the Office of the UNHCR; and
- other counsellors selected by the asylum applicant to assist and support him and the legal representative or custodian of an unaccompanied minor person.
[3] The competent authority shall communicate the date and place of a hearing to all persons entitled to be present at the hearing in due time.
Article 31 Notification of instigation of the procedure and the rights of the Office of the UNHCR
(1) The competent authority must notify the representative of the Office of the UNHCR without delay about the instigation of the asylum procedure.
(2) The representative of the Office of the UNHCR shall have the right to request data on any individual procedure and to inspect materials, documents and files on any individual procedure.
(3) The representative of the Office of the UNHCR shall have the right to make contact with any asylum applicant and refugee at all stages of the procedure.
Article 32 Service
(1) The asylum applicants must be within the reach of the asylum authority throughout the asylum procedure; any change of address must be communicated to the asylum authority without undue delay.
(2) Official papers (summons, decisions, orders and other official papers) in the procedure shall always be served to the asylum applicant in person, to his lawful representative or to an authorised person. A document shall be deemed delivered when one of the aforementioned persons accepts it.
(3) All mail in an asylum procedure shall be delivered in a language which the asylum applicant can understand.
Article 33 Establishing the facts of the case
(1) The competent authority must ex officio establish the facts of the case. For this purpose, it must collect and examine all the facts relevant to taking a lawful and correct decision. The competent authority shall, should it deem it necessary for determining the facts and circumstances which are or could be pertinent to establishing the actual state of affairs or to the exercise or protection of an asylum applicant's rights, conduct an additional hearing of the asylum applicant, examine the produced evidence and the given explanation of evidence, and acquire, if possible, further evidence which the asylum applicant has failed to submit.
(2) The competent authority must, whenever the authorised official conducting the procedure does not possess the professional expertise required to establish or examine a fact which is relevant for taking a decision on the asylum application, seek the opinion of a qualified expert.
(3) The competent authority must also seek an expert opinion on the request of the asylum applicant, his legal representative, authorised person or the representative of the Office of the UNHCR.
Article 34 Decision at first instance
[1] The first instance authority shall take a decision by which it:
- approves an asylum application where it determines that the asylum applicant meets the criteria for granting asylum in the Republic of Slovenia pursuant the second and third paragraph of Article 1 of this Law; or
- rejects an asylum application as being unfounded and sets the time limits within which the applicant must leave the Republic of Slovenia.
[2] By a decision approving the asylum application, the asylum authority, in compliance with this Law, shall grant refugee status to the applicant.
Article 35 Rejection of an asylum application
[1] The competent authority shall reject an asylum application as being unfounded:
1. if it establishes that the asylum applicant does not meet the conditions for granting asylum and for recognising refugee status according to paragraph 2 and 3 of Article 1 in this law;
2. if the application is deliberately fraudulent or the asylum procedure has been abused;
3. if any exemption reasons under Article 4 of this law exist;
4. if he has arrived exclusively for economic reasons;
5. if the applicant has been previously refused entry to the Republic of Slovenia and the reasons which gave rise to the rejection have not changed; or
6. if the applicant has previously lodged an asylum application in the Republic of Slovenia or in any other state which respects and implements the provisions of the Geneva Convention and that application was rejected, but the facts added in its support have not changed.
[2] In the cases mentioned in points 2., 4. and 5 of the previous paragraph the authority shall take immediate decision on the matter.
Article 36 Deception and abuse of the procedure
The procedure shall be regarded as the subject of deception and abuse:
- if the asylum seeker has founded his application on a false identity or on forged documents;
- if he presents false reasons to which he refers after filing an application;
- if he deliberately destroys his passport, any other official paper, document or ticket which might potentially be relevant to deciding on his asylum;
- if he conceals having lodged a previous asylum application in another country, in particular if he uses a false identity; or
- if he files an application with the purpose of postponing forced removal
Article 37 Pre-procedure for aliens arriving from safe third countries
[1] The competent authority shall reject the asylum application to any alien who arrives from a safe third country in the sense of Article 2 of this law.
[2] An asylum applicant has the right to appeal against the rejected application within 3 days at the Administrative Court of RS. The Administrative Court decides on the appeal within 7 days.
[3] An applicant with rejected asylum application under paragraph 1, may rebut the presumption that a certain country is safe for him/her.
[4] The competent authority will provide any alien, whose asylum application has been rejected pursuant to Paragraph 1 of this Article, with an official document stating the reasons for which his/her asylum application has not been examined by the Slovene authorities, and that the rejection of his/her application was based on the fact that the applicant can return to a safe third country.
[5] During this pre-procedure no forcibly removal of an alien from Slovenia is allowed.
Article 38 Appealing against a decision of the first instance
[1] An asylum applicant has the right to appeal against a decision taken at the first instance to the Administrative Court.
[2] An appeal should be submitted within 15 days following the service of the decision. During these 15 days the decision is not enforceable.
[3] An asylum applicant who, for justified reasons, could not lodge the appeal in the prescribed deadline shall be granted restitutio in integrum upon his request. A petition for restitutio in integrum should be submitted within three days upon termination of reason causing the delay. Restitutio in integrum can be requested within 3 months from the prescribed deadline. The competent authority shall decide on a petition for restitutio in integrum within three days upon its submission. During this period, the removal of an asylum applicant from the Republic of Slovenia cannot be enforced.
Article 39 Procedure at the second instance
[1] The administrative court shall decide on the basis of findings assessed in course of the procedure at the first instance.
[2] The administrative court shall: reject the appeal on the grounds that it is not permissible or that it was submitted too late; reject the appeal as being unfounded; entirely or partially change or cancel the first instance decision.
[3] If the administrative court determines that the authority of the first instance established incomplete or erroneous facts of the case, or if the circumstances which gave rise to the decision of the first instance has changed, the court shall supplement the procedure, cancelling the above mentioned deficiencies by overruling the first instance decision with its own.
[4] The administrative court shall decide about the appeal within 30 days upon its submission.
[5] The lodging of an appeal and the procedure at the administrative court are governed by the Law on Disputes as to Administrative Matters, unless it is otherwise provided by this Law.
Article 40 Forced Removal
[1] An authorised law enforcement official may lead, an asylum applicant whose asylum application has been finally rejected and who has not left the territory of the Republic of Slovenia within the prescribed time, to the national border and instruct him to leave the country or hand him over to representatives of a foreign country.
[2] Removal under paragraph 1 shall not be enforced before the asylum procedure has been closed by a final decision. The asylum procedure shall be deemed final:
- when the time limits for appealing against the first instance decision have expired and no appeal has been submitted, or when an appeal has been lodged after the expiry of the time limit, but no restitutio in integrum has been granted; or
- when a judgement of the administrative court has been served.
Article 41 Lodging a new asylum application
The asylum applicant whose claim was already rejected in the Republic of Slovenia may file a new one only if he/she submits evidence proving that the circumstances which gave rise to the previous decision have significantly changed. If he/she fails to do so, the asylum authority shall reject the application without starting a new procedure.
Article 42 Withdrawal of an asylum application
[1] Regardless of the stage of the asylum procedure, an asylum application shall be considered as withdrawn and the procedure closed:
- if the asylum applicant withdraws his asylum application;
- if in spite of a received summon, the asylum applicant fails to attend the interview or oral hearing without prior excuse;
- if the asylum applicant fails to notify the change of his address which leads to unsuccessful deliveries of summons or any other mail; or
- if the asylum applicant refuses to co-operate in establishing his/her identity.
[2] The asylum applicant, in cases mentioned in the second and third lines of the previous paragraph, may submit a petition for restitutio in integrum. Such petition shall be lodged on justifiable grounds within three days from termination of reasons causing the delay in responding to the summon or in notifying the change of his/her address.
Article 43 Rights of asylum applicants
[1] Asylum applicants shall have the right to:
- reside in the Republic of Slovenia until the asylum procedure has been finally closed;
- the provision of basic living conditions;
- basic health care;
- financial assistance or an allowance;
- free legal assistance for implementation of rights pursuant to this Law;
- humanitarian aid.
[2] The Minister of Interior shall define all the details regarding rights from the previous paragraph in accordance with the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Work, Family and Social Welfare.
[3] Asylum applicants may, upon their request be granted permission to engage in part-time employment or occasional work in a manner and under conditions defined in the Law on Temporary Refuge.
Article 44 Obligations of asylum applicants
Asylum applicants shall:
- conform with the laws and other regulations valid in the Republic of Slovenia, as well as with measures taken by state authorities;
- always be within the reach of the competent authorities;
- respond to the summonses of competent authorities and co-operate with them at all stages of the asylum procedure;
- communicate any change of address to the asylum authority within three days after the change; and
- comply with orders issued by competent authorities regarding the restricted movement.
Article 45 Asylum Home and accommodation in it
[1] An Asylum Home shall be organised for accommodation of aliens who are under proceedings for acquisition of asylum. The Asylum Home shall be established and managed by the Ministry of Interior.
[2] Asylum applicants who stay in the asylum home shall be guaranteed the basic conditions of living comprising:
- accommodation;
- food;
- clothing; and
- pocket money.
[3] Asylum applicants who can rely on their own financial means or whose living expenses are covered in a different way shall contribute a proportionate share of funds to cover accommodation costs, and shall not be entitled to the allowance.
[4] After seven days of residence in the asylum home, an asylum applicant shall be allowed to live at a different place it he has the possibility. An asylum applicant accommodated outside the asylum home and is not provided with the necessary means for living has the right to financial assistance amounting to 60% of the minimum pay in the Republic of Slovenia.
Article 46 Extent of health care
[1] Asylum applicants shall have the right to health care.
[2] The extent of health care services shall be the same as the extent of health services defined in the Law on Temporary Refuge.
Article 47 Rights of refugees
[1] Refugees who have been granted refugee status by virtue of Article 1, second and third paragraphs of this Law shall have the right to:
- permanent residence;
- financial assistance;
- basic housing;
- health care;
- schooling and education;
- assistance to integrate;
- right to work and inclusion in programmes for active search of work.
[2] The Minister of Interior shall define all the details regarding the implementation of rights from the previous paragraph in accordance with the Ministry of Health , Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Work, Family and Social Welfare.
Article 48 Obligations of refugees
Refugees shall:
- comply with the constitutional order, laws, regulations and other general legal acts of the Republic of Slovenia,
- communicate their place of residence and any change of address to a competent administration unit within three days; and
- inform the competent authority of any employment they pursue.
Article 49 Permanent residence permit
A final decision by which asylum is granted and refugee status recognised to an asylum applicant shall also be used as a valid permit for permanent residence in the Republic of Slovenia.
Article 50 Right to financial assistance
[1] A refugee who receives no income, does not own property and has no persons who are obliged and capable of maintaining him in compliance with regulations of the Republic of Slovenia, shall have the right to financial assistance in accordance to the Law on Social Security.
[2] A refugee shall have the right to receive financial assistance referred to in paragraph 1 of this Article throughout the period in which he does not receive any income, but for no longer than three years after asylum is granted. The provisions of this paragraph shall not apply to refugees who are unfit for work according to the Law on Social Security.
[3] A refugee who refuses to take up employment which he has been offered, or refuses to be involved in other forms of active employment policy, shall lose the right to financial assistance.
[4] The centre of social work located in the territory of the refugee's residence shall be competent for deciding on the refugee's entitlement to financial assistance.
[5] The refugee's close family members who live with him in Slovenia without possessing their own property or income shall also have the right to financial assistance, which shall equal 60% of the financial assistance provided in the first paragraph. Financial assistance allocated to the refugee's close family members depends on the entitlement and duration of the refugee's right to financial assistance.
Article 51 Allocation of basic housing
[1] A refugee shall be allocated basic housing.
[2] Should a refugee refuse the housing that he has been allocated, he shall loose the right to obtain assistance for housing and may choose his own, at his own costs.
Article 52 Extent of health care
Refugees and their close family members shall be entitled to health care as stipulated by the Law on Health Care and the Law on Health Insurance.
Article 53 Education
Refugees and their close family members shall be accorded the same treatment as Slovene citizens in terms of their rights to primary, secondary and higher education.
Article 54 Employment
[1] Refugees and their close family members shall be accorded the same rights to employment as Slovenian citizens.
[2] Based on a final decision on granting asylum, the National Employment Office shall ex officio issue personal working permits to refugees and their close family members.
Article 55 Access to courts of law and legal assistance
In matters relating to access to courts of law and the right to legal assistance refugees shall be accorded the same treatment as Slovenian nationals.
Article 56 Issuance of certificates, documents and visas
[1] Asylum applicants shall be issued the following certificates, documents and visas:
- certificate of the submission of an asylum application and documents;
- asylum applicant identification card; and
- permit for border crossing;
[2] Refugees shall be issued the following documents and visas:
- refugee passport;
- refugee personal identification card; and
- entry or exit visa, and entry-exit visa.
[3] Persons with permission to remain in the Republic of Slovenia shall be issued a card certifying the permission to remain.
[4] Certificates and documents listed under paragraph 1 of this Article shall be issued by the Ministry of the Interior in compliance with the provisions of this Law. Documents and visas referred to in paragraph 2 of this Article shall be issued by the Ministry of the Interior and the competent administrative units authorised by the Ministry in compliance with the provisions of this Law. An entry visa or an entry-exit visa shall be issued by the authority authorised for consular affairs in the Republic of Slovenia.
Article 57 Asylum applicant identification card
[1] An asylum applicant identification card shall function as an identification document and as a temporary residence permit in the Republic of Slovenia.
[2] An identification card shall also be issued to the close family members of the asylum applicant.
[3] The asylum card shall be valid until the asylum procedure ends.
Article 58 Border crossing permit
[1] In the course of an asylum procedure, an asylum applicant shall not be allowed to leave the Republic of Slovenia.
[2] The competent asylum authority may exceptionally issue to the asylum applicant a special permit to exit and re-enter the Republic of Slovenia.
Article 59 Refugee passport
[1] A refugee shall be issued a passport upon submission of an application.
[2] A refugee passport shall be valid during the period in which the refugee enjoys refugee status.
[3] A refugee passport shall be renewed every ten years.
[4] A refugee passport can be issued to a person over 18 years of age. A legal representative of a person who is under 18 years of age, or who is partly or fully devoid of legal capacity, shall submit a passport application for that person.
[5] A minor shall be entitled to his own passport, but can also be registered in the passport of his legal representative until achieving the age of 15.
Article 60 Refugee identification card
[1] Each refugee shall have a personal identification card.
[2] A personal identification card shall be valid throughout the period in which a refugee enjoys refugee status.
Article 61 Permission to remain
[1] In this Law, permission to remain shall mean permission to stay in the Republic of Slovenia for a limited period of time, granted to an asylum applicant whose asylum application has been rejected by final decision containing a deadline to leave the country.
[2] Permission to remain shall be issued after it being applied for by an asylum applicant whose asylum application has been rejected, by his legal representative, or on the request of the representative of the Office of the UNHCR.
[3] Permission to remain in the Republic of Slovenia shall be granted:
- if removal from the country would contradict Article 6; and
- if removal is impossible, or conditions exist for remaining in the Republic of Slovenia in compliance with another regulation or an international agreement.
[4] The competent authority may permit the asylum applicant whose asylum application has been rejected to remain in the Republic of Slovenia for six months. After the expiry of these time limits, the permission to remain may be extended for as long as the grounds within the meaning of paragraph 3 of this Article continue.
[5] In a decision by which the asylum seeker is granted permission to remain, the competent authority shall accommodate him at a certain address or at the asylum home.
[6] An alien who has been granted permission to remain in the Republic of Slovenia by virtue of this Article shall be issued a special identification card.
Article 62 Rights of aliens granted permission to remain
An alien with permission to remain in the Republic of Slovenia shall be entitled to health care in accordance with the regulations on health care and health insurance, to the provision of the basic living conditions and legal assistance.
Article 63 Cessation of permission to remain
[1] Permission to remain in the Republic of Slovenia shall cease to apply:
- with the expiry of a permit to remain in the country, or if the grounds for permission to remain have ceased to exist;
- when the alien leaves the Republic of Slovenia; or
- if the alien has been granted permission to remain on the basis of a different law or international agreement.
[2] An alien who has lived in the Republic of Slovenia for two years without interruption on the basis of permission to remain may, upon his request, be granted asylum on humanitarian grounds.
Article 64 Collection, processing and communication of data
[1] Bodies competent for implementation of this Law shall collect personal and other general data on asylum applicants, refugees and persons with permission to remain in the Republic of Slovenia to the extent necessary for performing their tasks as prescribed in this Law.
[2] State authorities and other bodies and organisations which have data about persons referred to in paragraph 1 of this Article must communicate it to competent authorities should the latter so request.
[3] Data referred to in paragraphs 1 and 2 of this Article must be collected and communicated in compliance with the Law on Personal Data Protection and the Convention on the Protection of Personal Data.
Article 65 Communication of data to the country of origin
[1] Data collected from persons referred to in the first paragraph of Article 64 shall not be communicated to the country of origin.
[2] For the purpose of removing a person whose asylum application has been rejected or dismissed and for whom deportation into the country of origin has been ordered, the following data may be communicated to the authorities of a foreign country:
- First and family names, birth data, sex, nationality, data on family members, data on documents issued by the country of origin, and the current address in this country; and
- fingerprints and photographs, if deemed necessary.
Article 66
Within six months of the enactment of this Law, the Minister of the Interior shall issue rules on the manner of its implementation; in regard of matters which are under competency of the Ministry of Work, Family and Social Affairs, the Minister of Interior shall issue rules agreed with the Minister of Work, Family and Social Affairs.
Article 67
On the day this Law enters into force the provisions of Articles 34 to 40 and 43 to 48 of the Law on Aliens (Official Gazette of the Republic of Slovenia, No. 1/91) shall cease to apply.
Article 68
Asylum applications which were lodged in compliance with the Law on Aliens and have not been decided on shall be processed according to this Law.
Article 69
Within six months of the enforcement of this Law an Asylum Home shall be established.
Article 70
Within three months of the enforcement of this Law, the Minister of Justice shall appoint refugee counsellors.
Article 71
Until suitable rules are issued on the basis of this Law, the following regulations are still to be used, unless they are contrary to this Law:
- Decree on implementation of rights of aliens to whom refugee status had been recognised (Official Gazette of the R Slovenia, no. 19/91)
- Regulation on how to handle applications for refugee status and their basic care (Off. Gazette of the R Slovenia, no. 25/91).
Article 72
This Law shall come into effect on the fifteenth day after its publication in the Official Gazette of the Republic of Slovenia.
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