Minimum Standards for the Procedures for Granting and Withdrawing Refugee Status in the Member States - Assessment (Summary) of the Implementation of the 2005 Procedures Directive (PD) and Proposals for a Common European Regime of Asylum
- Author: Prof. Dr. h.c. Kay Hailbronner, Konstanz
- Document source:
September 2008
Minimum Standards for the Procedures for Granting and Withdrawing Refugee Status in the Member States - Assessment (Summary) of the Implementation of the 2005 Procedures Directive (PD)
and Proposals for a Common European Regime of Asylum
Normes minimales concernant la procédure d'octroi et de retrait du statut de réfugiés dans les Etats Membres Evaluation (résumé) de la Transposition de la Directive Procédure 2005 et Propositions pour un Régime d'Asile Européen Commun
This note was requested by The European Parliament's committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs.
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