Report on the situation of human rights in Afghanistan / submitted by Felix Ermacora, Special Rapporteur, in accordance with Commission on Human Rights resolution 1991/78
- Author: Felix Ermacora, Special Rapporteur on the Situation of Human Rights in Afghanistan
- Document source:
17 February 1992
Report on the situation of human rights in Afghanistan / submitted by Felix Ermacora, Special Rapporteur, in accordance with Commission on Human Rights resolution 1991/78
Informe sobre la situación de los derechos humanos en el Afganistán, preparado por el Sr. Félix Ermacora, Relator Especial, de conformidad con la resolución 1991/78 de la Comisión de Derechos Humanos
Доклад о положении в области прав человека в Афганистане, подготовленный Специальным докладчиком г-ном Феликсом Эрмакора
в соответствии с резолюцией 1991/78 Комиссии до правам человека"
Includes: "Annex 1: Joint statement by the Soviet Union, the Russian Federation and the Afghan Mujahidin": p. 30-31; and
"Annex 2: Joint communiqué issued by the Governments of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan and the Russian Federation": p. 32-34.
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