U.S. Department of State 2004 Trafficking in Persons Report - Tajikistan

Tajikistan (Tier 2 Watch List)

Tajikistan is a source country for men, women, and children trafficked to Russia, other Central Asian countries, and the Gulf States for the purposes of sexual exploitation and forced labor.

The Government of Tajikistan does not fully comply with the minimum standards for the elimination of trafficking; however, it is making significant efforts to do so. Tajikistan is placed on Tier 2 Watch List due to a lack of evidence of increased efforts to eliminate severe forms of trafficking during the reporting period. While the Tajik Government recognizes the problem and has criminalized trafficking in persons, it needs to do more to protect victims of trafficking and prosecute their exploiters. Tajikistan should establish a national action plan and refer trafficking victims to appropriate NGOs.


The Government of Tajikistan criminalized trafficking in persons through an amendment to its criminal code in August 2003. The government has also drafted a comprehensive law on trafficking, which it expects to enact later this year. In 2003, the government prosecuted two trafficking cases – compared to four in 2002 – and convicted one trafficker, who was commendably sentenced to 14 years' imprisonment. The second prosecution is ongoing and involves a ring of alleged sex traffickers. The trafficking activities of 16 other criminal groups are currently under investigation. Training for law enforcement officials on trafficking-related issues remains lacking. In 2003, the government formed a committee of officials from the Ministries of Labor, Interior, and Security to receive training on recognizing, investigating, and prosecuting trafficking cases. Corruption, including among government officials, remains endemic, and may hinder government efforts to eliminate trafficking. The government instituted criminal cases against two low-level officials for issuing falsified documents, but both officials fled the country. The government takes steps to monitor its borders, but border control remains weak.


Tajikistan has a weak record of assisting trafficking victims. The Government of Tajikistan encourages victims to cooperate with enforcement officials, but offers no protection or reintegration programs for victims or witnesses. In 2003, the government reported that it did not jail, fine, detain, or otherwise punish victims, but law enforcement officials have no system to refer victims to NGOs. In 2003, the government reported no cooperation with other governments on trafficking investigations. Citing limited resources, the government claims it is unable to provide its overseas embassy and consulate officials with the tools to identify and assist victims.


Regrettably, the government has not formed a national plan of action to fight trafficking in persons, although it has formed a working group to create such a plan. The government cooperates with local NGOs and international groups that focus on prevention. It supports the IOM's efforts to distribute anti-trafficking brochures and operate a resource center to educate potential migrants about migration and trafficking.


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