The years pass without a lot changing in Seychelles. The authorities continued to harass the only opposition newspaper, Regar , and continued keep strict control of the state-owned news media.

Politicians filed one lawsuit after another against the opposition weekly Regar in 2003, each time demanding a sizeable sum in damages. None of these cases had come to trial by the end of the year. But just one successful suit with a full award of damages would suffice to bankrupt the newspaper and finish if off for good.

The distinction between journalism and activism is tenuous in Seychelles. Regar editor Jean-François Ferrari was detained along with several other people in July while distributing leaflets calling for the repeal of a new tax. All of them were released on bail after several hours.

The state-owned media continued their propaganda work, just relaying official statements and avoiding any reports critical of the government. The state-owned daily Seychelles Nation carried articles disparaging the opposition and its press.


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