Status: Not Free
Legal Environment: 25 (of 30)
Political Environment: 27 (of 40)
Economic Environment: 19 (of 30)
Total Score: 71 (of 100)
(Lower scores = freer)
The 1984 Press and Publications Law is one of the most restrictive in the Arab world and serves to create a highly censored and cautious media environment. Articles 29, 30, and 31 of Oman's 1996 Basic Law guarantee freedom of expression and of the press; however, these rights must be exercised "within the limits of the law." While the 2004 Private Radio and Television Companies Law allowed for the licensing of private broadcast media for the first time in 35 years, it increased the capital required to establish print media. Libel is treated as a criminal offense, and journalists can be fined or imprisoned for up to two years for voicing criticisms of the sultan, or for printing material that leads to "public discord, violates the security of the state, or abuses a person's dignity or rights." Pecuniary awards for defamation can range up to 2,000 Omani Rials (USD$5,000). Oman's Telecommunications Act allows the authorities to prosecute individuals for any message, sent through any means of communication, which violates public order and morals, or is harmful to a person's safety. Private communications such as mobile phones, emails, and exchanges in Internet chat rooms are monitored. The Ministry of Information (MOI) may legally censor any material regarded as politically, culturally, or sexually offensive in both domestic and foreign media. Press media managers and editors also serve as censors and refrain from pursuing more investigative stories out of fear of criminal or monetary repercussions. Journalists who have been charged with past press law violations often find it difficult to find work or be published.
Information and news are generally widely available and foreign broadcasts are often accessed via satellite in urban areas. However, there is a basic lack of coverage of local issues concerning citizens such as the economy, unemployment, or minority and migrant issues. Candidates for the October Consultative Council elections were allowed to place campaign ads in the local papers for the first time and foreign journalists were invited to cover the voting in several locations. While both private and state-run print and broadcast media tend to support the government's views, some "constructive" criticism of the government is permitted. Journalists, however, still practice a high degree of self-censorship. The media does not often report on violations of press freedom out of fear of receiving the same punishment. A reporter was imprisoned for one week in 2005 for reporting on the arrest and sentencing of fellow journalist, Taiba Al Mawali, who had made critical comments on a foreign satellite television station. Journalists are required by the MOI to be licensed in order to practice journalism, and as of 2005, must reapply for a new ID card every year as an employee of a specific media outlet, thus forbidding the practice of freelance journalism. Journalists' licenses may be revoked at any time for violating press laws or for crossing red lines.
The Arabic-language daily newspaper Azzamn began publication in August, making it the country's fifth privately owned newspaper in addition to two government-owned dailies. Private daily newspapers mostly sustain themselves on local and international advertising revenues rather than sales; however, many papers no longer need to accept state subsidies. No entity exists to verify circulation numbers of print media. TheWeek, a free English-language weekly became the first newspaper to carry out an audit and provide circulation data to its advertisers in 2007 in order to create greater transparency. There are two state-owned television stations and three state-owned radio stations. The state licensed three private radio stations and one private television station for the first time in 2005, as a result of the Private Radio and Television Companies Law of 2004. Hala FM, the first private radio station, launched in May of 2007, and HI-FM followed in October; both stations broadcast mostly music. The government retains the right to close down any media outlet at any time. Bribes to influence journalistic content are rare due to relatively high wages for journalists and a lack of opportunity to provide critical perspectives.
Ten percent of Oman's population used the Internet in 2007, reflecting a growth rate of 254.7 percent since 2000, which was still low in comparison to other countries in the region. Attempts to increase Internet service and users outside of the capital, Muscat, were unsuccessful partly due to technical problems and high prices. Oman's Internet and telecommunications sector is monopolized by the Oman Telecommunications Company, which is entirely owned by the government. The Internet is broadly censored, with the Internet Service Manual strictly stipulating a lengthy list of prohibited online topics, including defamation of the royal family and false data or rumors. Authorities post ads on local websites warning users that they may be censored or questioned for criticizing the government or Sultan. Numerous websites were blocked in 2007, often arbitrarily. In January, al-Sablah al-Omania, the founder of a popular chat room, and ten others were arrested for posting comments criticizing government officials. After a four-month trial, six defendants received fines ranging from 300 to 4,000 rials (about $10,000), and one defendant received a one-month prison sentence.
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