Introductory remarks by Mr. Volker Türk, Director of International Protection, UNHCR, to the International Meeting on Refugee Protection, Statelessness and Mixed Migration Movements in the Americas: Launch of the UNHCR Commemorations in the Americas, Brasilia, Brazil, 11 November 2010
- Author: Volker Türk
- Document source:
11 November 2010
Introductory remarks by Mr. Volker Türk, Director of International Protection, UNHCR, to the International Meeting on Refugee Protection, Statelessness and Mixed Migration Movements in the Americas: Launch of the UNHCR Commemorations in the Americas, Brasilia, Brazil, 11 November 2010
Comentarios introductorios a cargo del Sr. Volker Türk, Director de Protección Internacional, ACNUR : "Encuentro Internacional sobre Protección de Refugiados, Apatridia y Movimientos Migratorios Mixtos en las Américas : Lanzamiento de las Conmemoraciones del ACNUR en las Américas"
Introductory remarks by Mr. Volker Türk Director of International Protection, UNHCR Headquarters
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