Introductory remarks by Mr. Volker Türk, Director of International Protection, UNHCR, to the International Meeting on Refugee Protection, Statelessness and Mixed Migration Movements in the Americas: Launch of the UNHCR Commemorations in the Americas, Brasilia, Brazil, 11 November 2010

Introductory remarks by Mr. Volker Türk, Director of International Protection, UNHCR, to the International Meeting on Refugee Protection, Statelessness and Mixed Migration Movements in the Americas: Launch of the UNHCR Commemorations in the Americas, Brasilia, Brazil, 11 November 2010

Comentarios introductorios a cargo del Sr. Volker Türk, Director de Protección Internacional, ACNUR : "Encuentro Internacional sobre Protección de Refugiados, Apatridia y Movimientos Migratorios Mixtos en las Américas : Lanzamiento de las Conmemoraciones del ACNUR en las Américas"

Introductory remarks by Mr. Volker Türk Director of International Protection, UNHCR Headquarters