Concluding observations of the Committee on the 3rd periodic report of Ecuador as approved by the Committee at its 49th session, 14-30 November 2012 [i.e. 12-30 November 2012] : Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights
- Document source:
13 December 2012
Concluding observations of the Committee on the 3rd periodic report of Ecuador as approved by the Committee at its 49th session, 14-30 November 2012 [i.e. 12-30 November 2012] : Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights
Observaciones finales del Comité sobre el tercer informe periódico de Ecuador, aprobadas por el Comité en su 49º período de sesiones
Заключительные замечания Комитета по третьему периодическому докладу Эквадора, принятые Комитетом на его сорок девятой сессии, проходившей 14−30 ноября 2012 года
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