Security Council resolution 1855 (2008) [on the appointment of additional ad litem Judges to the International Tribunal for Rwanda]
- Document source:
19 December 2008
Security Council resolution 1855 (2008) [on the appointment of additional ad litem Judges to the International Tribunal for Rwanda]
Resolución 1855 (2008), aprobada por el Consejo de Seguridad en su 6052ª sesión, celebrada el 19 de diciembre de 2008
Резолюция 1855 (2008), принятая Советом Безопасности [о назначении дополнительного числа судей ad litem для работы в Международном трибунале по Руанде]
Issued in: Resolutions and decisions of the Security Council, 1 August 2008-31 July 2009 - S/INF/64 - (SCOR, 63rd year).
"Annex: Article 11: Composition of the Chambers": p. 2
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