Security Council resolution 664 (1990) [Iraq-Kuwait]
- Document source:
18 August 1990
Resolution 664 (1990) of 18 August 1990
The Security Council,
Recalling the Iraqi invasion and purported annexation of Kuwait and resolutions 660 (1990), 661 (1990) and 662 (1990),
Deeply concerned for the safety and well being of third state nationals in Iraq and Kuwait,
Recalling the obligations of Iraq in this regard under international law,
Welcoming the efforts of the Secretary-General to pursue urgent consultations with the Government of Iraq following the concern and anxiety expressed by the members of the Council on 17 August, 1990,
Acting under Chapter VII of the United Nations Charter,
1. Demands that Iraq permit and facilitate the immediate departure from Kuwait and Iraq of the nationals of third countries and grant immediate and continuing access of consular officials to such nationals;
2. Further demands that Iraq take no action to jeopardize the safety, security or health of such nationals;
3. Reaffirms its decision in resolution 662 (1990) that annexation of Kuwait by Iraq is null and void, and therefore demands that the Government of Iraq rescind its orders for the closure of diplomatic and consular missions in Kuwait and the withdrawal of the immunity of their personnel, and refrain from any such actions in the future;
4. Requests the Secretary-General to report to the Council on compliance with this resolution at the earliest possible time.
Adopted unanimously at the 2937th meeting.
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