Security Council resolution 179 (1963) [Yemen]
- Document source:
11 June 1963
179 (1963). Resolution of 11 June 1963
The Security Council,
Noting with satisfaction the initiative of the Secretary-General mentioned in his report of 29 April 1963[1] "about certain aspects of the situation in Yemen of external origin" and aimed at achievement of a peaceful settlement and "ensuring against any developments in that situation which might threaten the peace of the area",
Noting further the statement by the Secretary-General before the Security Council on 10 June 1963,[2]
Noting further with satisfaction that the parties directly concerned with the situation affecting Yemen have confirmed their acceptance of identical terms of disengagement in Yemen, and that the Governments of Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Republic have agreed to defray the expenses over a period of two months of the United Nations observation function called for in the terms of disengagement,
1. Requests the Secretary-General to establish the observation operation as defined by him;
2. Urges the parties concerned to observe fully the terms of disengagement set out in the report of 29 April and to refrain from any action which would increase tension in the area;
3. Requests the Secretary-General to report to the Security Council on the implementation of the present decision.
Adopted at the 1039th meeting by 10 votes to none, with 1 abstention (Union of Soviet Socialist Republics).
1 Official Records of the Security Council, Eighteenth Year, Supplement for April, May and June 1963, document S/5298.
2 Ibid., Eighteenth Year, 1037th meeting, paras. 6-8.
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