Zone of peace and cooperation of the South Atlantic : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly

  • Author: UN General Assembly (46th sess. : 1991-1992)
  • Document source:
  • Date:
    25 November 1991

The General Assembly,

Recalling its resolution 41/11 of 27 October 1986, in which it solemnly declared the Atlantic Ocean, in the region situated between Africa and South America, the "Zone of peace and cooperation of the South Atlantic",

Recalling also its subsequent resolutions on the matter, including resolution 45/36 of 27 November 1990, in which it reaffirmed the determination of the States of the zone to accelerate their cooperation in political, economic, scientific, technical, cultural and other spheres,

Reaffirming that the questions of peace and security and those of development are interrelated and inseparable, and considering that cooperation among all States, in particular those of the region, for peace and development is essential to promote the objectives of the zone of peace and cooperation of the South Atlantic,

Aware of the importance that the States of the zone attach to the preservation of the region's environment and recognizing the threat that pollution from any source poses to the marine and coastal environment, its ecological balance and its resources,

Noting the global concern expressed on the use of fishing methods and practices that can have an adverse impact on the conservation and management of living resources of the marine environment,

Noting with satisfaction the various initiatives of the States of the zone to contribute to the achievement of the objectives of the zone,

1.         Takes note of the report submitted by the Secretary-General in accordance with resolution 45/36;

2.         Calls upon all States to cooperate in the promotion of the objectives established in the declaration of the zone of peace and cooperation of the South Atlantic and to refrain from any action inconsistent with those objectives, as well as with the Charter of the United Nations and relevant resolutions of the Organization, particularly actions which may create or aggravate situations of tension and potential conflict in the region;

3.         Welcomes the resolution adopted by the General Conference of the Agency for the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons in Latin America and the Caribbean at its twelfth regular session, on cooperation between the Latin American nuclear- weapon-free zone and the zone of peace and cooperation of the South Atlantic, in which it called upon the States parties and signatories to the Treaty for the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons in Latin America and the Caribbean (Treaty of Tlatelolco) and its additional protocols to submit suggestions on formulas for the creation of cooperative mechanisms between the two zones;

4.         Affirms the importance of the South Atlantic to global maritime and commercial transactions and its determination to preserve the region for all activities protected by relevant international law, including the freedom of navigation in the high seas;

5.         Welcomes the actions of the States of the zone towards fulfilling the objectives of the final document of the second meeting of States of the zone of peace and cooperation of the South Atlantic, held at Abuja, Nigeria, from 25 to 29 June 1990;

6.         Notes that, in a joint communique issued at Windhoek on 13 September 1991, the Presidents of Namibia and Brazil proposed the holding in 1992, after due consultations among all the countries of the zone, of a meeting at Windhoek of Ministers of Trade and Industry of the countries of the zone, and of a meeting at Brasilia of high officials in the area of youth and sports, with a view to enhancing cooperation and development among the States of the zone;

7.         Expresses its appreciation for the success so far achieved by Namibia in the consolidation of its independence and calls upon the international community to render necessary assistance to Namibia in the areas of its defined needs in order to strengthen further its independence and sovereignty;

8.         Notes with interest the hope expressed by the countries of the zone to welcome in the near future a non-racial democratic South Africa into the community of South Atlantic States;

9.         Welcomes the peace agreements in Angola and Liberia and calls upon the international community to encourage and support these developments;

10.       Urges all States to abstain from transferring into and disposing within the region hazardous, toxic and nuclear wastes and notes the determination of the States of the zone to establish a mechanism aimed at monitoring, collating and disseminating information and data on the movement of hazardous, toxic and nuclear wastes within the region;

11.       Emphasizes the imperative need to conserve the environment and the marine resources of the region and urges all States to take necessary measures in order to protect the environment and conserve the marine resources;

12.       Also urges all States not to engage in the use of fishing methods and practices that can have an adverse impact on the conservation and management of marine living resources in the zone;

13.       Stresses the historical importance of the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development, to be held at Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, in June 1992, as an opportunity to advance further the objectives of the zone by addressing the issue of environment and development in all its ramifications, in accordance with General Assembly 44/228 of 22 December 1989;

14.       Expresses its appreciation for the assistance that the Office of Ocean Affairs and the Law of the Sea of the Secretariat and the United Nations Development Programme have extended towards the convening by the States of the zone of seminars of a group of experts at Brazzaville from 12 to 15 June 1990 and at Montevideo from 3 to 6 April 1991, which were devoted to a review of the development and implementation of the legal regime established by the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea, and requests the Office and the Programme to continue to provide assistance for the implementation of follow-up measures agreed upon at Montevideo;

15.       Expresses support for the determination of the States of the zone that technical cooperation among developing countries be recognized as activities that can be financed by the United Nations Development Programme, and requests the United Nations as well as other relevant international bodies to assist the States of the zone in the realization of their needs in this regard, at their request;

16.       Reaffirms the aspirations of the States of the zone to make it an active instrument for fostering human rights, fundamental freedoms, racial equality, justice and liberty as integral elements of peace, development and cooperation at national and regional levels;

17.       Requests the Secretary-General to keep the implementation of resolution 41/11 u nder review and to submit a report to the General Assembly at its forty-seventh session, taking into account, inter alia, the views expressed by Member States;

18.       Decides to include in the provisional agenda of its forty-seventh session the item entitled "Zone of peace and cooperation of the South Atlantic".


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