Programmes and activities to promote peace in the world : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly

  • Author: UN General Assembly (46th sess. : 1991-1992)
  • Document source:
  • Date:
    31 October 1991

The General Assembly,

Recalling its 44/11 of 24 October 1989, on the achievements of the International Year of Peace,

Recognizing that the International Year of Peace has generated a number of important activities and programmes to promote peace in the world,

Recognizing also that 44/11 stimulated the interest of Member States,non-governmental organizations and academic, scientific and educational institutions at all levels, as well as of individuals, in developing activities to promote, disseminate information on and assist the United Nations in the implementation of programmes for the achievement of one of its primary objectives, namely, peace in the world,

Bearing in mind that peace is not merely the absence of war and that interdependence and cooperation to foster human rights, social and economic development, disarmament, protection of the environment and ecosystems and the improvement of the quality of life for all are indispensable elements for the establishment of peaceful societies,

Observing that during the past two years unprecedented peaceful and positive transformations have taken place in many countries,

1.         Takes note with appreciation of the report submitted by the Secretary-General in accordance with resolution 44/11;

2.         Expresses its satisfaction at the many activities and programmes inspired by the guidelines prepared by the Secretary-General and by his designation of organizations and cities as "Peace Messengers", which have contributed positively to promoting peace through their sustained cooperation with the United Nations;

3.         Welcomes the important role played by the Peace Studies Unit of the Department of Political and Security Council Affairs of the Secretariat in promoting peace, encouraging activities and exchanges of information on peace-related subjects among the non-governmental organizations, academic and scientific institutions and cities around the world, and stimulating action to strengthen the United Nations as an instrument for peace;

4.         Welcomes the important and peaceful changes that have taken place in many countries of the world in order to bring about political and social changes towards more democratic systems of government;

5.         Invites Member States, non-governmental organizations and academic, scientific and educational institutions at all levels, as well as individuals, to continue their efforts to assist the United Nations in promoting peace in the world;

6.         Requests the Secretary-General to invite Member States and organizations concerned to report to him on their activities and initiatives in pursuit of those ends and to submit to the General Assembly, at its forty-eighth session, a report under the item entitled "Programmes and activities to promote peace in the world".


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