The situation in Cambodia : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly
- Author: UN General Assembly (46th sess. : 1991-1992)
- Document source:
20 November 1991
The General Assembly,
Having considered the item entitled "The situation in Cambodia",
Recalling its resolution 45/3 of 15 October 1990 and Security Council resolutions 668 (1990) of 20 September 1990, 717 (1991) of 16 October 1991 and 718 (1991) of 31 October 1991,
Recalling also the support and assistance of the international community, the participants in the Paris Conference on Cambodia and all interested States and parties, especially the humanitarian aid rendered to the Cambodian people since 1978,
Welcoming the agreements on a comprehensive political settlement of the Cambodia conflict, signed at the Paris Conference on Cambodia on 23 October 1991,
Taking note of the report of the Secretary-General,
Noting with appreciation the continuing efforts of the Secretary-General and his staff towards the implementation of the agreements on a comprehensive political settlement of the Cambodia conflict,
1. Expresses its full support for the agreements on a comprehensive political settlement of the Cambodia conflict, hereinafter referred to as the "Paris Agreements", which, inter alia, would maintain, preserve and guarantee the sovereignty, independence, territorial integrity and inviolability, neutrality and national unity of Cambodia;
2. Supports the efforts of the Secretary-General to set up an effective United Nations Transitional Authority in Cambodia as soon as possible, with the aim of restoring peace and stability in Cambodia and to implement the Paris Agreements;
3. Welcomes the fact that commitment to self-determination for the Cambodian people through free and fair elections organized and conducted by the United Nations and full respect for human rights have been incorporated in the provisions of the settlement;
4. Calls upon all parties concerned to ensure respect for and full observance of the human rights and fundamental freedoms of the Cambodian people and to assist them to exercise their right to self-determination through free and fair elections, as provided for in the Paris Agreements;
5. Also calls upon all parties concerned to comply fully with the cease-fire that entered into force at the time of the signature of the Paris Agreements;
6. Urges all parties concerned to implement fully the terms of the Paris Agreements, in close cooperation with the United Nations Transitional Authority in Cambodia;
7. Expresses its deep appreciation to the international community, the Co-Presidents of the Paris Conference on Cambodia, the permanent members of the Security Council, States in the region, other States and the Cambodian parties themselves, in particular His Royal Highness Samdech Norodom Sihanouk, for their invaluable contributions over the past decade to restore and maintain peace and unity in Cambodia and to promote national reconciliation;
8. Expresses its deep appreciation also to donor countries, the United Nations agencies and other national and international humanitarian organizations that have rendered assistance to the Cambodian people and urges them to continue their support for the process of repatriation of the Cambodian refugees and displaced persons under the leadership and coordination of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, and for the rehabilitation and reconstruction of Cambodia;
9. Reiterates its deep appreciation to the Secretary-General and his staff for their continuing efforts in helping to implement the Paris Agreements;
10. Reiterates also its deep appreciation to the Secretary-General for his efforts in coordinating humanitarian relief assistance and in monitoring its distribution, and requests him to continue such efforts as necessary.
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