Assistance to Mozambique : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly
- Author: UN General Assembly (45th sess. : 1990-1991)
- Document source:
21 December 1990
The General Assembly,
Recalling Security Council resolution 386 (1976) of 17 March 1976,
Recalling also its relevant resolutions, in particular resolution 43/208 of 20 December 1988, in which it urged the international community to respond effectively and generously to the call for assistance to Mozambique,
Taking note of the Paris Declaration and the Programme of Action for the Least Developed Countries for the 1990s, adopted by the Second United Nations Conference on the Least Developed Countries on 14 September 1990, and mindful of the mutual commitments undertaken for a strengthened partnership for development and the importance to be given to the follow-up to the recommendations of that Conference,
Having considered the report of the Secretary-General on emergency assistance to Mozambique,
Considering that Mozambique continues to face a complex emergency situation of extreme proportions, as illustrated in the report of the Secretary-General,
Noting with deep concern that Mozambique has continued to suffer from the negative impact of the war of destabilization, resulting in, inter alia, enormous losses of human life, widespread destruction of infrastructure, massive poverty and large numbers of displaced persons, which, combined with an adverse international economic situation, have led to an overall retrogression of the country's development,
Stressing that a proper response to the emergency situation in Mozambique requires the reinforcement of relief aid with additional rehabilitation and development assistance,
1. Takes note of the report of the Secretary-General on emergency assistance to Mozambique;
2. Welcomes the efforts being undertaken by the Government of Mozambique for the restoration of peace and normalization of life in the country, as well as other measures as reflected in its emergency and economic and social recovery programmes, and, in this context, stresses the need for vigorous international assistance in support of these efforts;
3. Expresses its appreciation to, and commends, the Secretary-General and the relevant organizations of the United Nations system for the measures taken to organize international assistance programmes for Mozambique;
4. Expresses its gratitude to all States and regional, intergovernmental and non-governmental organizations that have rendered assistance to Mozambique;
5. Recognizes that substantial international assistance is still required for the implementation of emergency, reconstruction and development programmes and projects;
6. Reiterates its appeal to the international community to continue to provide relief aid, in particular urgent food aid and logistics support, so as to improve distribution capacity and prevent further widespread starvation;
7. Draws the attention of the international community to the non-food sectors, as described in the report on the emergency situation in Mozambique setting out priority requirements for the period 1990-1991, the funding of which continues to lag, particularly in the areas of relief items, agriculture, health, assistance to returnees and institutional support;
8. Calls upon Member States, regional and interregional organizations and other intergovernmental and non-governmental organizations to provide and expand technical, financial and other material assistance to Mozambique wherever possible, especially in the form of grants, and urges them to give priority to the inclusion of Mozambique in their development assistance programmes;
9. Invites all appropriate organizations and programmes of the United Nations system to maintain and increase their current and future programmes of assistance to Mozambique;
10. Requests the Secretary-General:
(a) To continue his efforts to mobilize the financial, technical and material assistance required by Mozambique;
(b) To continue to co-ordinate the work of the United Nations system, in close co-operation with the Government of Mozambique, in the implementation of the country's emergency and rehabilitation programmes;
(c) To prepare, on the basis of consultations with the Government of Mozambique, a report on the implementation of the emergency and rehabilitation programmes for that country and to submit the report to the General Assembly at its forty-seventh session.
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