Strengthening of security and co-operation in the Mediterranean region : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly
- Author: UN General Assembly (44th sess. : 1989-1990)
- Document source:
15 December 1989
The General Assembly,
Recalling its resolutions 36/102 of 9 December 1981, 37/118 of 16 December 1982, 38/189 of 20 December 1983, 39/153 of 17 December 1984, 40/157 of 16 December 1985, 41/89 of 4 December 1986, 42/90 of 7 December 1987 and 43/84 of 7 December 1988,
Recognizing the importance of promoting peace, security and co-operation in the Mediterranean region and of strengthening further the economic, commercial and cultural links in the region,
Reaffirming the primary role of the Mediterranean countries in the promotion of security and co-operation in the Mediterranean region,
Expressing concern at the persistent tension in parts of the Mediterranean region and the consequent threat to peace,
Welcoming the favourable developments in the international situation, and expressing hope that these developments will have a positive impact on the Mediterranean region,
Concerned at the continuing military operations and reports of recent activities in the Mediterranean and the danger that they create for peace, security and general equilibrium in the region,
Reaffirming the responsibility of all States to conform in their actions to the purposes and principles of the Charter of the United Nations, as well as to the provisions of the Declaration on Principles of International Law concerning Friendly Relations and Co-operation among States in accordance with the Charter of the United Nations,
Reaffirming also the need to intensify and promote peace and security and to strengthen co-operation in the region, as provided for in the Mediterranean chapter of the Final Act of the Conference on Security and Co-operation in Europe, signed at Helsinki on 1 August 1975,
Recalling the declarations of successive meetings of non-aligned countries concerning the Mediterranean, as well as official declarations on, and contributions to, peace and security in the Mediterranean region made by individual countries,
Welcoming the efforts realized by the Mediterranean members of the Movement of Non-Aligned Countries to strengthen regional co-operation in various fields among themselves and between them and the European countries,
Recognizing the desire of Mediterranean countries that the needs of their region be taken into account in ongoing and future negotiations relating to international security and disarmament,
Recognizing also the desire of the non-aligned Mediterranean countries to intensify the process of dialogue and consultations with European-Mediterranean and other European countries aimed at strengthening efforts towards the promotion of peace, security and co-operation in the region, thus contributing to the stabilization of the situation in the Mediterranean,
Noting the results of the Stockholm Conference on Confidence- and Security-building Measures and Disarmament in Europe and the Concluding Document of the Vienna Follow-up Meeting of the Conference on Security and Co-operation in Europe, where all the participating States reaffirmed their resolve fully to implement unilaterally, bilaterally and multilaterally all the provisions of the Final Act and of the other documents of the Conference on Security and Co-operation in Europe,
Taking note of the debate on this item during its various sessions and, in particular, of the report of the Secretary-General on this item,
1. Reaffirms:
(a) That the security of the Mediterranean is closely linked with European security and with international peace and security;
(b) That further efforts are necessary for the reduction of tension and of armaments and for the creation of conditions of security and fruitful co-operation in all fields for all countries and peoples of the Mediterranean, on the basis of the principles of sovereignty, independence, territorial integrity, security, non-intervention and non-interference, non-violation of international borders, non-use of force or threat of use of force, the inadmissibility of the acquisition of territory by force, peaceful settlement of disputes and respect for permanent sovereignty over natural resources;
(c) That just and viable solutions are needed for existing problems and crises in the region on the basis of the provisions of the Charter and of relevant resolutions of the United Nations, the withdrawal of foreign forces of occupation and the right of peoples under colonial or foreign domination to self-determination and independence;
2. Takes note of the final documents of the Ninth Conference of Heads of State or Government of Non-Aligned Countries, held at Belgrade from 4 to 7 September 1989, and in particular paragraph 25 of the document on international security and disarmament, which, inter alia, supported the transformation of the Mediterranean region into a region of peace, security and co-operation, free from conflict and confrontation;
3. Expresses satisfaction that important negotiations on confidence- and security-building measures are currently taking place at Vienna aimed at building upon and expanding the militarily significant and politically binding achievements of the Stockholm Conference on Confidence- and Security-building Measures and Disarmament in Europe, which, in relation to the Mediterranean, inter alia, confirmed the intention of the participants in the Conference on Security and Co-operation in Europe to develop good-neighbourly relations with all States of the region, with due regard to reciprocity, and in the spirit of the principles contained in the Declaration on Principles Guiding Relations between Participating States, so as to promote confidence and security and make peace prevail in the region, in accordance with the provisions contained in the Mediterranean chapter of the Final Act of the Conference on Security and Co-operation in Europe;
4. Welcomes the agreement reached by the States participating in the Vienna Follow-up Meeting of the Conference on Security and Co-operation in Europe to convene a meeting on the Mediterranean at Palma de Mallorca in 1990, in order to consider ways and means of further enhancing various aspects of co-operation, including the protection and improvement of Mediterranean ecosystems, with the aim of widening the scope of their co-operation with the non-participating Mediterranean States and contributing to the strengthening of confidence and security in the region;
5. Urges all States to co-operate with the Mediterranean States in the further efforts required to reduce tension and promote peace, security and co-operation in the region in accordance with the purposes and principles of the Charter of the United Nations and with the provisions of the Declaration on Principles of International Law concerning Friendly Relations and Co-operation among States in accordance with the Charter of the United Nations;
6. Encourages once again efforts to intensify existing forms and to promote new forms of co-operation in various fields, particularly those aimed at reducing tension and strengthening confidence and security in the region;
7. Reaffirms the importance of intensifying and constantly promoting contacts in all fields where common interests exist in order to eliminate gradually, through co-operation, the causes preventing the faster social and economic development of the Mediterranean States, particularly the developing States of the region;
8. Welcomes any further communication to the Secretary-General from all States of proposals, declarations and recommendations on strengthening peace, security and co-operation in the Mediterranean region;
9. Also welcomes the creation of the Arab Maghreb Union at Marrakesh, Morocco, on 17 February 1989, and greets this event as a factor of peace, stability, security and development in the region;
10. Invites the States members of the relevant regional organizations to lend support and to submit to the Secretary-General concrete ideas and suggestions on their potential contribution to the strengthening of peace and co-operation in the Mediterranean region;
11. Renews its invitation to the Secretary-General to give due attention to the question of peace, security and co-operation in the Mediterranean region and, if requested to do so, to render advice and assistance to Mediterranean countries in their concerted efforts in promoting peace, security and co-operation in the region;
12. Requests the Secretary-General to submit to the General Assembly at its forty-fifth session, on the basis of all replies received and notifications submitted in the implementation of the present resolution and taking into account the debate on this question during its forty-fourth session, a detailed report on the strengthening of security and co-operation in the Mediterranean region;
13. Decides to include in the provisional agenda of its forty-fifth session the item entitled "Strengthening of security and co-operation in the Mediterranean region".
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