Joint Inspection Unit : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly
- Author: UN General Assembly (44th sess. : 1989-1990)
- Document source:
19 December 1989
The General Assembly,
Recalling its resolutions 40/259 of 18 December 1985, 41/213 of 19 December 1986, 42/218 of 21 December 1987 and 43/221 of 21 December 1988,
Having considered the report of the Joint Inspection Unit on its activities during the period 1 July 1988 to 30 June 1989, the work programme of the Unit for 1989 and the nucleus of its work programme for 1990-1991, and the report of the Secretary-General on the implementation of the recommendations of the Unit,
Welcoming the continuing reform measures employed by the Joint Inspection Unit to enhance the quality and effectiveness of its work in all respects, as described in section VI of its report,
Reiterating the importance of a detailed and timely consideration of the report of the Joint Inspection Unit, particularly by Member States and the organizations concerned,
1. Takes note of the report of the Joint Inspection Unit and of its work programme for 1989, as well as of the detailed information contained in the report of the Secretary-General on the implementation of the recommendations of the Unit;
2. Requests the Joint Inspection Unit, in the development of its work programme, to give even greater attention to management, budgetary and administrative issues relevant to the agendas of the governing bodies of its participating organizations and to their main and common concerns;
3. Requests the Secretary-General to standardize the format of his reports relating to the work and recommendations of the Joint Inspection Unit in order to include therein the recommendations of the Unit and any decisions of the General Assembly and other governing bodies before making his comments;
4. Urges the Secretary-General, in preparing his report on the implementation of the recommendations of the Joint Inspection Unit, and the Unit, in preparing its annual report, to co-ordinate their efforts in order to submit to the General Assembly the maximum possible information on the implementation of the recommendations of the Unit;
5. Invites the Joint Inspection Unit to continue to make every possible effort to issue its reports well in advance of meetings of the governing bodies of its participating organizations, in particular the General Assembly, and of the relevant subsidiary bodies, to ensure that the comments of the Secretary-General and those of the Administrative Committee on Co-ordination, where pertinent, are issued in accordance with existing regulations for the timely receipt of documentation;
6. Requests the Joint Inspection Unit to make every effort to shorten its reports, using comparative tables and graphics whenever appropriate, and to include therein an executive summary of its recommendations in order to facilitate the consideration of its reports;
7. Also requests the Joint Inspection Unit to take into account the guidelines outlined in the present resolution in finalizing its work programme for 1990-1991;
8. Requests the Secretary-General to bring the present resolution to the attention of the executive heads of the participating organizations of the Joint Inspection Unit.
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