Pattern of conferences : Report of the Committee on Conferences

The General Assembly,

Having considered the report of the Committee on Conferences,

1.         Takes note with appreciation of the report of the Committee on Conferences;

2.         Approves the draft revised calendar of conferences and meetings of the United Nations for 1989 as submitted by the Committee on Conferences;

3.         Authorizes the Committee on Conferences to make adjustments in the calendar of conferences and meetings for 1989 that may become necessary as a result of action and decisions taken by the General Assembly at its forty-third session;

4.         Notes with appreciation that there has been a considerable improvement in the utilization of conference resources by a number of United Nations organs;

5.         Urges those United Nations organs which have failed to make adequate use of the conference-servicing resources provided to them to consider reducing the number of meetings they request in their future programmes of work;

6.         Requests the Chairman of the Committee on Conferences and the Secretary-General to maintain their contacts with United Nations organs that have failed to make adequate use of the conference-servicing resources provided to them in order to assist those organs in making better use of their services;

7.         Requests the Committee on Conferences to remain seized of the matter on the basis of further reports from the Secretary-General.


Status of the Committee on Conferences

The General Assembly,

1.         Decides to retain the Committee on Conferences as a permanent subsidiary organ;

2.         Decides that the Committee on Conferences shall be composed of twenty-one members to be appointed by the President of the General Assembly, after consultations with the chairmen of the regional groups, for a period of three years, on the basis of the following geographical distribution:

(a)        Six members from African States;

(b)        Five members from Asian States;

(c)        Four members from Latin American and Caribbean States;

(d)        Two members from Eastern European States;

(e)        Four members from Western European and other States;

3.         Decides that one third of the Committee's membership shall retire annually and that retiring members may be reappointed;

4.         Decides that the Committee on Conferences shall have the following terms of reference:

(a)        To advise the General Assembly on all matters pertaining to the organization of conferences in the United Nations;

(b)        To plan and co-ordinate conferences and meetings in close consultation with the Secretariat and all relevant bodies in the preparation of the draft calendar, in particular by staggering conferences and meetings throughout the year, and to avoid to the maximum extent possible the overlapping of meetings related to the same sector of activity in the same conference location;

(c)        In this connection, to examine proposals of the Secretary-General on the draft calendar prepared on the basis of his budgetary proposals and to recommend to the General Assembly a draft calendar of conferences and meetings designed to meet the needs of the United Nations and to ensure the optimum utilization of conference-servicing resources. With respect to the proposed departures from the approved calendar of conferences and meetings that have administrative and financial implications, to act on behalf of the Assembly, in conformity with the budgetary process in force and with full respect for the mandates of other bodies;

(d)        To determine the ways and means that might ensure the optimum utilization of conference facilities and services, including documentation, and to present appropriate recommendations to the General Assembly;

(e)        To advise the General Assembly on the current and future requirements of the Organization for conference services, facilities and documentation;

(f)         To make recommendations as appropriate to the General Assembly on means to ensure an improved co-ordination of conferences within the United Nations system, including conference services and facilities, and to conduct the appropriate consultations in that regard;

(g)        To monitor the implementation of all General Assembly resolutions on the organization and servicing of, and documentation for, conferences and meetings;

(h)        To monitor the policy of the Organization on publications, with the assistance of the Publications Board of the Secretariat and taking into account the positions adopted by the Committee on Information and other relevant bodies;

(i)         To report annually thereon to the General Assembly.


Control and limitation of documentation

The General Assembly,

Recalling its resolutions 2292 (XXII) of 8 December 1967, 2538 (XXIV) of 11 December 1969, 3415 (XXX) of 8 December 1975, 34/50 of 23 November 1979, 35/10 B of 3 November 1980, 36/117 of 10 December 1981, 37/14 C of 16 November 1982, 40/243, section III, of 18 December 1985, 41/177 D of 5 December 1986 and 42/207 of 11 December 1987,

1.         Renews its appeal to Member States to exercise restraint in their requests for the circulation of communications as United Nations documents;

2.         Appeals to Member States making such requests to endeavour to keep the length of the communications to a minimum;

3.         Requests the Committee on Conferences to keep this matter under review and to report thereon to the General Assembly at its forty-fifth session;

4.         Requests the Secretary-General to establish a standard format for final reports of special conferences of the United Nations and to provide guidelines for the preparation and editing of those reports;

5.         Again requests that subsidiary organs should strive to keep their reports to the General Assembly within the desirable limit of thirty-two pages;

6.         Invites the Committee on Conferences to remain seized of this matter on the basis of further reports from the Secretary-General.


Programme of work of the Committee on Conferences

The General Assembly,

Requests the Secretary-General to submit information to the Committee on Conferences at its organizational session in 1989 to assist the Committee in establishing its work programme on a biennial basis in line with the programme budget and the medium-term plan of the United Nations, taking into account the views expressed by delegations during the forty-third session of the General Assembly.


Implementation of General Assembly resolution 42/207 C

The General Assembly,

Reaffirming its resolution 42/207 C of 11 December 1987,

Taking note of the report of the Secretary-General on the implementation of resolution 42/207 C,

1.         Requests the Secretary-General to continue his valuable efforts to implement resolution 42/207 C;

2.         Also requests the Secretary-General to report on this matter to the General Assembly at its forty-fourth session..


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