Special assistance to Maldives for disaster relief and the strengthening of its coastal defences

The General Assembly,

Deeply concerned by the damage caused to the archipelago of Maldives by unexpected tidal waves in April, June and September of this year,

Acutely aware of the threats posed by such tidal action to the low-lying islands of Maldives and to their inhabitants,

Mindful of the need to commence urgent protective measures to minimize the hazards of such tragic events,

Noting that Maldives is one of the least developed countries, with severely limited natural endowments and a narrow-based economic backbone,

Recognizing the efforts of the Government and the people of Maldives to improve and accelerate the socio-economic development of their country,

Taking note of the emergency relief operations undertaken by the Government of Maldives to assist those affected in the episodes of April, June and September 1987, and of its determination to strengthen its defences against such disasters in the future,

Convinced that long-term solutions are imperative,

1.         Expresses its gratitude to those States and organizations which rendered support and assistance to the Government of Maldives in its relief and subsequent rehabilitation work;

2.         Draws the attention of the international community to the fact that additional resources are required to carry out the envisaged plan for preventive action, and that the assistance already provided or pledged falls short of the requirements;

3.         Requests agencies and organizations of the United Nations system to contribute to the formulation and implementation of a planned programme of action;

4.         Strongly appeals to the international community to contribute generously to that goal;

5.         Requests the Secretary-General, in accordance with the provisions of General Assembly resolution 41/192 of 8 December 1986, to mobilize international support and assistance in favour of the efforts of the Government of Maldives to implement the plan of action;

6.         Also requests the Secretary-General to report to the General Assembly at its forty-third session on the implementation of the present resolution.


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