Special economic assistance to Central America
- Author: UN General Assembly
- Document source:
11 December 1987
The General Assembly,
Recalling its resolution 42/1 of 7 October 1987 entitled "The situation in Central America: threats to international peace and security and peace initiatives", in particular paragraph 6, in which it urged the international community to increase technical, economic and financial assistance to the Central American countries and requested the Secretary-General to promote a special plan of co-operation for Central America,
Bearing in mind the need to contribute effectively to peace, co-operation, respect for human rights, the implementation of genuine democratic and pluralist processes and economic and social development, which are indispensable for ensuring the well-being of the peoples of the Central American region,
Taking note of the report of the Secretary-General on the situation in Central America, in particular with regard to the need to implement an emergency plan for the reconstruction and large-scale economic development of the region, which in turn will facilitate the resolution of the political and security crisis facing the region,
Recalling the terms of the recent agreement on the "Procedure for the establishment of a firm and lasting peace in Central America", signed at Guatemala City on 7 August 1987 by the Central American Presidents, which stressed the need to adopt agreements that would accelerate development in order to create more egalitarian societies that are free of poverty,
Convinced of the urgent need to improve the standard of living of the Central American peoples,
Emphasizing the importance of appropriating additional resources for development and of the full use of human resources, as recognized in the International Development Strategy for the Third United Nations Development Decade, and recognizing the economic co-operation efforts being made to this end by the European Economic Community and others with the countries of the region,
Commending the concerted efforts being made by the countries of the Central American region to deal with adverse economic and social conditions through economic and social integration and co-operation,
Convinced that peace and development are inseparable,
1. Supports the implementation of mechanisms essential to achieving the economic and social objectives agreed to by the Governments of Central America in the Document of Objectives of 9 September 1983, sponsored by the Contadora Group;
2. Requests the Secretary-General, in close co-operation with the United Nations Development Programme, to send a technical mission to the Central American countries for the purpose of determining, in consultation with each of the Governments of the region, the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean and such integration bodies as the Permanent Secretariat of the General Treaty on Central American Economic Integration, the Central American Bank for Economic Integration, the Latin American Economic System and the Action Committee for the Support of Economic and Social Development in Central America, the economic and social priorities of the countries of the region;
3. Requests the Secretary-General, on the basis of the priorities identified, to formulate, in close consultation with the Governments of the region and the appropriate organs and organizations of the United Nations system, a special plan of co-operation for Central America to be submitted, in view of the immediate needs, no later than 30 April 1988 for consideration by the General Assembly during its current session;
4. Urges the international community to increase technical, economic and financial assistance to the Central American countries, as a way of bolstering their efforts to achieve peace and development;
5. Appeals to the organs and organizations of the United Nations system to co-operate in implementing the special plan of co-operation for Central America and to continue and expand their assistance programmes;
6. Requests the Secretary-General to report to the General Assembly at its forty-third session on the implementation of the present resolution..
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