The situation in Central America : threats to international peace and security and peace initiatives : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly

  • Author: UN General Assembly (41st sess. : 1986-1987)
  • Document source:
  • Date:
    18 November 1986

The situation in Central America: threats to international peace and security and peace initiatives

  The General Assembly, Recalling Security Council resolution 530 (1983) of 19 May 1983, in which the Council reaffirmed the right of all the countries of the Central American region to live in peace and security, free from outside interference, Recalling that the Security Council, in that resolution, encouraged the efforts of the Contadora Group and appealed urgently to all interested States in and outside the region to co-operate fully with the Group, through a frank and constructive dialogue, so as to achieve solutions to existing differences, Recalling its resolution 38/10 of 11 November 1983, in which the Assembly, inter alia, expressed its firmest support for the Contadora Group and urged it to preserve in its efforts, which enjoy the effective support of the international community and the forthright co-operation of the interested countries in and outside the region, Recalling also its resolution 39/4 of 26 October 1984, in which it, inter alia, urged each of the five Central American Governments to speed up its consultations with the Contadora Group with the aim of bringing to a conclusion the negotiation process, and to respect fully the purposes and principles of the Contadora Act on Peace and Co-operation in Central America, Recalling Security Council resolution 562 (1985) of 10 May 1985, in which the Council called upon all States to refrain from carrying out, supporting or promoting political, economic or military actions of any kind against any State in the region which might impede the peace objectives of the Contadora Group, Taking note of the various reports submitted by the Secretary-General in pursuance of General Assembly resolution 39/4, Sharing the concern of the Latin American countries at the worsening of the situation in Central America and its possible implications for the entire region, which the Ministers for Foreign Affairs of the Contadora Group and the Support Group expressed in their Declaration of 1 October 1986, Agreeing with that Declaration that the worsening of the crisis in Central America can create serious tensions and conflicts throughout the continent, and that the peace of Central America is therefore the peace of Latin America, Bearing in mind the resolution adopted on 14 November 1986 by the General Assembly of the Organization of American States, meeting in Guatemala, which, inter alia, requested the Contadora Group and the Support Group to persevere in their valuable efforts to achieve peace in Central America, and urged all States to continue to give them their resolute support, Convinced that the peoples of Latin America wish to achieve peace, development and justice without outside interference, in accordance with their own decision and their own historical experience, and without sacrificing the principles of self-determination and non-intervention, Convinced that it is imperative to avoid a war in Central America, and that this is primarily the responsibility of the Governments directly or indirectly involved in the conflict, as well as a task for all politically responsible Governments and individuals who are prepared to defend the cause of peace,

1. Reaffirms its conviction that the global, comprehensive and negotiated solution of the conflict in Central America requires that all States fully respect the principles of international law enshrined in the Charter of the United Nations;

2. Acknowledges the commendable efforts being made by the Contadora Group and the Support Group with a view to achieving peace in Central America;

3. Reiterates its support for the peace activities of the Contadora Group and the Support Group and requests them to persevere in their valuable efforts, and urges all States to continue to give them their resolute support;

4. Requests the Secretary-General to report to the General Assembly at its forty-second session on the implementation of the present resolution;

5. Decides to include in the provisional agenda of its forty-second session the item entitled "The situation in Central America: threats to international peace and security and peace initiatives".


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