Efforts and measures to promote the eradication of illiteracy : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly
- Author: UN General Assembly (41st sess. : 1986-1987)
- Document source:
4 December 1986
The General Assembly,
Recalling that in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights the inalienable right of everyone to education is recognized,
Mindful of the fact that the eradication of illiteracy is one of the paramount objectives of the International Development Strategy for the Third United Nations Development Decade,
Recognizing that the elimination of illiteracy constitutes a prerequisite for ensuring the right to education,
Emphasizing that widespread illiteracy, especially in many developing countries, seriously hinders the process of economic and social development and cultural and spiritual advancement,
Emphasizing further that this situation is utterly incompatible with what is required by the great advances in the scientific and technical revolution that mankind is witnessing,
Convinced that the process of education can make an indispensable contribution to the achievement of social progress, mutual understanding and co-operation among nations,
Mindful of the fact that the eradication of illiteracy calls for world-wide co-operation and joint efforts,
Considering that the complete elimination of illiteracy in all regions of the world should be recognized as a priority objective of the international community,
Convinced that the elaboration of a global strategy for the eradication of illiteracy and the organization of a world-wide literacy campaign will promote deeper understanding by the world public of the various aspects of the problem of illiteracy and help to intensify efforts to spread literacy and education,
Taking into consideration the appeal made by the General Conference of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization in its resolution 2.2, adopted at its twenty-third session, concerning the proclamation of an international literacy year,
1. Approves the appeal made by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization to proclaim an international literacy year;
2. Invites the Economic and Social Council to consider in 1987 the question of declaring 1989 as the international literacy year and to inform the General Assembly of its recommendation at its forty-second session;
3. Requests the Director-General of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization to prepare, in co-operation with other interested organizations, his suggestions on the observance of the international literacy year and to submit them to the General Assembly at its forty-second session, through the Economic and Social Council;
4. Encourages the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization to prepare, in accordance with General Conference resolution 4.6, a plan of action designed to assist all States in eradicating illiteracy by the year 2000, whereby the impetus given by the international literacy year will be duly furthered.
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