Emergency situation in Africa : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly

  • Author: UN General Assembly (41st sess. : 1986-1987)
  • Document source:
  • Date:
    31 October 1986

The General Assembly,

Recalling its resolutions 39/29 of 3 December 1984, 40/40 of 2 December 1985, and its resolution S-13/2 of 1 June 1986 containing the United Nations Programme of Action for Economic Recovery and Development 1986-1990,

Having considered the report of the Secretary-General on the critical economic situation in Africa,

Noting with deep appreciation the efforts of the international community, which have contributed to the containment of the drought-related emergency in most of the affected African countries,

Noting also the continuing nature of the emergency situation,

Noting further with deep concern that many African countries are now facing or are threatened by a new and potentially severe infestation by locusts and grasshoppers,

Recognizing that the continuing emergency situation not only undermines the efforts of the African countries in carrying out their programmes for economic recovery and longer-term development, but also severely hampers those efforts,

1.         Takes note with satisfaction of the report of the Secretary-General;

2.         Expresses its appreciation to the international community for its valuable support with regard to the emergency situation in Africa and appeals to it to continue its efforts and to implement fully resolutions 39/29, 40/40 and S-13/2;

3.         Commends the determined efforts of the Governments and peoples of Africa in responding to the challenge posed by the emergency situation;

4.         Notes with deep concern that the emergency situation still exists in some of the affected African countries, that increased emergency assistance continues to be required and that non-food needs have yet to be met;

5.         Appeals to the international community, the organizations of the United Nations system and non-governmental organizations urgently to pursue and intensify their efforts to satisfy the unmet emergency needs of the affected African countries as described in the report of the Secretary-General;

6.         Urges the international community to make every possible effort to assist African countries in establishing early-warning systems in order to limit and control the grasshopper and locust infestation and to provide adequate assistance for dealing with its effects, and, in this connection, requests all States, the organizations of the United Nations system and non-governmental organizations to co-operate with the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations;

7.         Welcomes the decision of the Secretary-General to continue, after the closure of the Office for Emergency Operation in Africa, his efforts in monitoring the emergency situation still affecting some African countries and in sensitizing the international community;

8.         Requests the Secretary-General to follow closely the emergency situation in Africa and to include updated information thereon in the report to be submitted to the General Assembly at its forty-second session, in accordance with resolution S-13/2.


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