Special assistance to front-line States : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly

  • Author: UN General Assembly (41st sess. : 1986-1987)
  • Document source:
  • Date:
    8 December 1986

The General Assembly,

Deeply concerned at the deteriorating situation in southern Africa, which has aggravated the economic problems confronting the front-line States and other bordering States, arising from the apartheid policies of the Pretoria regime,

Conscious of the responsibility of the international community to address the problems of the region,

Commending the concerted and determined efforts of the countries of the region to cope with the prevailing adverse conditions by strengthening their economic co-operation and lessening their dependence on South Africa, particularly in the areas of transportation, communications and related sectors,

Reaffirming the importance of close co-operation between the United Nations and the front-line States,

Mindful of Security Council resolutions 568 (1985) of 21 June 1985, 571 (1985) of 20 September 1985 and 581 (1986) of 13 February 1986, by which the Council, inter alia, requested the international community to render assistance to the front-line States,

1.         Strongly urges the international community to provide in a timely and effective manner the financial, material and technical assistance necessary to enhance the individual and collective capacity of the front-line States and other bordering States to withstand the effects of economic measures taken by South Africa, or by the international community against South Africa, in accordance with their national and regional plans and strategies;

2.         Requests the Secretary-General to mobilize organs, organizations and bodies of the United Nations system so that they may respond to such requests for assistance as might be forthcoming from individual States or the appropriate subregional organization, and further urges all States to respond favourably to such requests;

3.         Appeals to all States and appropriate intergovernmental and non-governmental organizations to support the national and collective emergency programmes prepared by the front-line States and other bordering States to overcome the critical problems arising from the situation in southern Africa;

4.         Notes with appreciation the assistance being rendered to the front-line States by donor countries and intergovernmental organizations;

5.         Requests the Secretary-General to report to the General Assembly at its forty-second session on the progress made in the implementation of the present resolution.


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