Situation of refugees in the Sudan : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly.

  • Author: UN General Assembly (41st sess. : 1986-1987)
  • Document source:
  • Date:
    4 December 1986

Situation of refugees in the Sudan

  The General Assembly, Recalling its resolutions 35/181 of 15 December 1980, 36/158 of 16 December 1981, 37/173 of 17 December 1982, 38/90 of 16 December 1983, 39/108 of 14 December 1984 and 40/135 of 13 December 1985 on the situation of refugees in the Sudan, Having considered the report of the Secretary-General on the situation of refugees in the Sudan and the report of the inter-agency mission annexed thereto, Appreciating the measures which the Government of the Sudan is taking in order to provide shelter, protection, food, education, and health and other humanitarian services to a very large and persistent number of refugees in the Sudan, Recognizing the heavy burden placed on the people and Government of the Sudan and the sacrifices they are making in caring for the refugees and the need for adequate international assistance to enable them to continue their efforts to provide assistance to the refugees, Gravely concerned at the serious social and economic impact of the massive presence of refugees, as well as its far-reaching consequences for the country's development, security and stability, Expressing its appreciation for the assistance rendered by Member States and intergovernmental and non-governmental organizations in support of the refugee programme in the Sudan, Bearing in mind the findings and recommendations of the inter-agency mission to the Sudan, particularly the suggestion that the international community should explore new and effective approaches to ensure that the burden of dealing with refugees is shared more equitably, Recognizing the need to view refugee-related development projects within local and national development plans,

1. Takes note of the report of the Secretary-General on the implementation of resolution 40/135 and welcomes the report of the inter-agency mission annexed thereto;

2. Commends the measures that the Government of the Sudan is taking to provide material and humanitarian assistance to refugees, in spite of the effects of the drought and the serious economic situation it faces, and stresses the need for additional resources to lessen the impact of the presence of refugees on the economy of this least developed country;

3. Expresses its appreciation to the Secretary-General, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, donor countries and intergovernmental and non-governmental organizations for their efforts to assist the refugees in the Sudan;

4. Expresses grave concern at the serious and far-reaching consequences of the massive presence of refugees in the country on its security, stability and development, as reflected in the report of the inter-agency mission;

5. Also expresses grave concern at the shrinking resources available for refugee programmes in the Sudan and the serious consequences of this situation on the country's ability to continue to act as host and provide assistance to refugees;

6. Requests the Secretary-General, in following up on the report of the inter-agency mission and furthering the integration of developmental and refugee aid, to take steps to ensure that continued joint inter-agency expert planning for the Sudan takes place, as suggested by the mission in its report;

7. Also requests the Secretary-General to mobilize the necessary financial and material assistance for the full implementation of ongoing projects in the areas affected by the presence of refugees;

8. Appeals to Member States, the appropriate organs, organizations and bodies of the United Nations, intergovernmental and non-governmental organizations and the international financial institutions to provide the Government of the Sudan with the necessary resources for the implementation of development assistance projects in regions affected by the presence of refugees;

9. Requests the High Commissioner to continue co-ordination with the appropriate specialized agencies in order to consolidate and ensure the continuation of essential services to the refugees in their settlements;

10. Requests the Secretary-General to report to the General Assembly at its forty-second session, through the Economic and Social Council, on the implementation of the present resolution.


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