International campaign against traffic in drugs : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly

  • Author: UN General Assembly (40th sess. : 1985-1986)
  • Document source:
  • Date:
    13 December 1985

International campaign against traffic in drugs

  The General Assembly, Recalling its resolutions 35/195 of 15 December 1980, 36/168 of 16 December 1981, 36/132 of 14 December 1981, 38/93 of 16 December 1983, 39/141 and 39/143 of 14 December 1984 and other relevant provisions, Recalling also its resolution 39/142 of 14 December 1984, by which it adopted the Declaration on the Control of Drug Trafficking and Drug Abuse, which describes drug trafficking and drug abuse as an international criminal activity whose total elimination demands urgent attention and maximum priority, Taking note of the reiterated concern expressed by the Secretary-General in his report on the work of the Organization, in which he recognizes that the drug problem can no longer be regarded as a merely social, and largely domestic, concern and proposes that an effective range of strategies be developed to meet the challenge, Taking note once again of the provisions of the Quito Declaration against Traffic in Narcotic Drugs of 11 August 1984, the New York Declaration against Drug Trafficking and the Illicit Use of Drugs of l October 1984, in which drug trafficking is considered to be a crime against humanity, and the Lima Declaration of 29 July 1985, which draws attention to the need for integrated, effective and urgent regional and international action supported by the resources necessary for successfully overcoming the problem, Commending the work of the Commission on Narcotic Drugs and the International Narcotics Control Board, as well as the positive action of the United Nations Fund for Drug Abuse Control in allocating funds to integrated rural development programmes, including substitution of illegal crops in the most severely affected areas, and their efforts to achieve greater law enforcement, Considering that, despite the efforts made, the situation continues to deteriorate and the international community is confronted with transnational criminal organizations whose activities, including terrorist practices, constitute a threat to the well-being of peoples, the stability of democratic institutions and the sovereignty of States, Acknowledging once more that the eradication of this scourge calls for integrated action which will simultaneously tackle the problems of reduction and control of illicit demand, production, distribution and marketing, and that action designed to eliminate illicit drug cultivation and trafficking should be accompanied, when necessary, by economic and social development programmes, including crop substitution, in the affected areas, Endorsing the statement made by the Secretary-General before the Economic and Social Council on 24 May 1985, referred to in Council decision 1985/131 of 28 May 1985, on the need for a new United Nations offensive against drug trafficking and drug abuse, and his proposal to convene a world conference at the ministerial level in 1987, Aware of the decision of the Secretary-General to convene an interregional meeting of heads of national drug law enforcement agencies in 1986, in accordance with paragraph 10 of General Assembly resolution 39/143, Conscious of the contribution that this interregional meeting could make to bilateral and multilateral efforts, including proposals that might be taken into account in the preparation of a draft convention against illicit traffic in narcotic drugs and at the International Conference on Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking to be held in 1987, Acknowledging the important role that Member States and relevant bodies of the United Nations system must play in order to ensure that the interregional meeting produces significant results in the continuing fight against illicit drug trafficking and drug abuse, Acknowledging once more that law enforcement officials represent an important line of defence against organized crime, the illegal arms trade and other forms of criminal activity associated with illicit traffic in drugs that threaten the stability and security of many States, Reiterating the importance of ratifying or acceding to international treaties on the control of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances,

1. Takes note of the reports of the Secretary-General;

2. Reaffirms that maximum priority must be given to the fight against the illicit production of, demand for and traffic in drugs and related international criminal activities, such as the illegal arms trade and terrorist practices, which also have an adverse effect not only on the well-being of peoples but also on the stability of institutions, as well as posing a threat to the sovereignty of States;

3. Acknowledges the work of bodies of the United Nations system, in particular the drug-control bodies, in assisting efforts and initiatives designed to increase international co-operation, and recommends that this work be intensified;

4. Encourages Member States and the relevant bodies of the United Nations system to provide technical assistance to the developing countries most affected by the illicit production of, traffic in and use of drugs and psychotropic substances, in order to combat the problem;

5. Expresses its appreciation to the Secretary-General for his proposal to convene in 1987, at the ministerial level, an International Conference on Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking to deal with all aspects of drug abuse;

6. Takes note with satisfaction of the decision of the Secretary-General to hold an interregional meeting of heads of national drug law enforcement agencies at Vienna from 28 July to 1 August 1986, in accordance with paragraph 10 of General Assembly resolution 39/143;

7. Recommends that the Commission on Narcotic Drugs advise the interregional meeting to examine in depth the most important aspects of the problem, especially those that would enhance ongoing bilateral and multilateral efforts, in particular the preparation of a draft convention against illicit traffic in narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances and the proposed International Conference on Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking, to be convened by the Secretary-General at the ministerial level, and to recommend action on, inter alia:

(a) Extradition;

(b) Mechanisms that would enhance interregional co-ordination and co-operation on a permanent basis;

(c) Modalities of ensuring rapid and secure means of communication between law enforcement agencies at the national, regional and international levels;

(d) Techniques of controlled delivery;

(e) Measures to reduce the vulnerability of States affected by the transit of illicit drugs;

8. Encourages Member States to be represented at the interregional meeting by officials at the decision-making level of national organizations concerned with the suppression of illicit traffic in drugs and psychotropic substances;

9. Invites the competent bodies within the United Nations system, as well as the International Criminal Police Organization and the Customs Co-operation Council, to provide technical expertise and to participate actively in the interregional meeting;

10. Requests the Secretary-General to submit to the General Assembly at its forty-first session an interim report containing the recommendations of the interregional meeting of heads of national drug law enforcement agencies and to submit a final report to the Economic and Social Council, through the Commission on Narcotic Drugs at its next session;

11. Reiterates its request to the Secretary-General to continue to make the necessary arrangements for holding, within the framework of advisory services, interregional seminars on the experience gained within the United Nations system in integrated rural development programmes that include the substitution of illegal crops in affected areas, particularly in the Andean region;

12. Acknowledges the vital role played by the United Nations Fund for Drug Abuse Control and calls upon Member States to contribute or to continue contributing to the Fund;

13. Calls upon the specialized agencies and all relevant bodies of the United Nations system actively to implement the present resolution and requests the Secretary-General to report to the General Assembly at its forty-first session on the implementation thereof;

14. Decides to include in the provisional agenda of its forty-first session the item entitled "International campaign against traffic in drugs..


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