The situation in Kampuchea
- Author: UN General Assembly (39th sess. : 1984-1985)
- Document source:
30 October 1984
The situation in Kampuchea
1. Reaffirms its resolutions 34/22, 35/6, 36/5, 37/6 and 38/3 and calls for their full implementation;
2. Reiterates its conviction that the withdrawal of all foreign forces from Kampuchea, the restoration and preservation of its independence, sovereignty and territorial integrity, the right of the Kampuchean people to determine their own destiny and the commitment by all States to non-interference and non-intervention in the internal affairs of Kampuchea are the principal components of any just and lasting resolution of the Kampuchean problem;
3. Takes note with appreciation of the report of the Ad Hoc Committee of the International Conference on Kampuchea and requests that the Committee continue its work, pending the reconvening of the Conference;
4. Authorizes the Ad Hoc Committee to convene when necessary and to carry out the tasks entrusted to it in its mandate;
5. Reaffirms its decision to reconvene the Conference at an appropriate time, in accordance with Conference resolution 1 (I);
6. Renews its appeal to all States of South-East Asia and others concerned to attend future sessions of the Conference;
7. Requests the Conference to report to the General Assembly on its future sessions;
8. Requests the Secretary-General to continue to consult with and assist the Conference and the Ad Hoc Committee and to provide them on a regular basis with the necessary facilities to carry out their functions;
9. Expresses its appreciation once again to the Secretary-General for taking appropriate steps in following the situation closely and requests him to continue to do so and to exercise his good offices in order to contribute to a comprehensive political settlement;
10. Expresses its deep appreciation once again to donor countries, the United Nations and its agencies and other national and international humanitarian organizations that have rendered relief assistance to the Kampuchean people, and appeals to them to continue to provide emergency assistance to those Kampucheans who are still in need, especially along the Thai-Kampuchean border and in the holding centres in Thailand;
11. Reiterates its deep appreciation to the Secretary-General for his efforts in co-ordinating humanitarian relief assistance and in monitoring its distribution, and requests him to intensify such efforts as are necessary;
12. Urges the countries of South-East Asia, once a comprehensive political solution to the Kampuchean conflict is achieved, to exert renewed efforts to establish a zone of peace, freedom and neutrality in South-East Asia;
13. Reiterates the hope that, following a comprehensive political solution, an intergovernmental committee will be established to consider a programme of assistance to Kampuchea for the reconstruction of its economy and for the economic and social development of all States in the region;
14. Requests the Secretary-General to report to the General Assembly at its fortieth session on the implementation of the present resolution;
15. Decides to include in the provisional agenda of its fortieth session the item entitled "The situation in Kampuchea".
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