Question of the Comorian island of Mayotte

  • Author: UN General Assembly (39th sess. : 1984-1985)
  • Document source:
  • Date:
    11 December 1984

Question of the Comorian Island of Mayotte

  The General Assembly, Recalling its resolutions 1514 (XV) of 14 December 1960, containing the Declaration on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples, and 2621 (XXV) of 12 October 1970, containing the programme of action for the full implementation of the Declaration, Recalling also its previous resolutions, in particular resolutions 3161 (XXVIII) of 14 December 1973, 3291 (XXIX) of 13 December 1974, 31/4 of 21 October 1976, 32/7 of 1 November 1977, 34/69 of 6 December 1979, 35/43 of 28 November 1980, 36/105 of 10 December 1981, 37/65 of 3 December 1982 and 38/13 of 21 November 1983, in which it, inter alia, affirmed the unity and territorial integrity of the Comoros, Recalling, in particular, its resolution 3385 (XXX) of 12 November 1975 on the admission of the Comoros to membership in the United Nations, in which it reaffirmed the necessity of respecting the unity and territorial integrity of the Comoro Archipelago, composed of the islands of Anjouan, Grande-Comore, Mayotte, and Moheli, Recalling further that, in accordance with the agreements between the Comoros and France, signed on 15 June 1973, concerning the accession of the Comoros to independence, the results of the referendum of 22 December 1974 were to be considered on a global basis and not island by island, Convinced that a just and lasting solution to the question of Mayotte is to be found in respect for the sovereignty, unity and territorial integrity of the Comoro Archipelago, Convinced also that a speedy solution of the problem is essential for the preservation of the peace and security which prevail in the region, Bearing in mind the wish expressed by the President of the French Republic to seek actively a just solution to that problem, Taking note of the repeated wish of the Government of the Comoros to initiate as soon as possible a frank and serious dialogue with the French Government with a view to accelerating the return of the Comorian island of Mayotte to the Islamic Federal Republic of the Comoros, Taking note of the report of the Secretary-General, Bearing in mind the decisions of the Organization of African Unity, the Movement of Non-Aligned Countries and the Organization of the Islamic Conference concerning this question,

1. Reaffirms the sovereignty of the Islamic Federal Republic of the Comoros over the island of Mayotte;

2. Invites the Government of France to honour the commitments entered into prior to the referendum on the self-determination of the Comoro Archipelago of 22 December 1974 concerning respect for the unity and territorial integrity of the Comoros;

3. Calls for the translation into practice of the wish expressed by the President of the French Republic to seek actively a just solution to the question of Mayotte;

4. Urges the Government of France to open the negotiations with the Government of the Comoros with a view to ensuring the effective and prompt return of the island of Mayotte to the Comoros;

5. Requests the Secretary-General of the United Nations to follow developments concerning this question, in conjunction with the Secretary-General of the Organization of African Unity, and to report thereon to the General Assembly at its fortieth session;

6. Decides to include in the provisional agenda of its fortieth session the item entitled "Question of the Comorian island of Mayotte".


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