Respect for the privileges and immunities of officials of the United Nations and the specialized agencies and related agencies
- Author: UN General Assembly (38th sess. : 1983-1984)
- Document source:
20 December 1983
Respect for the privileges and immunities of officials of the United Nations and the specialized agencies and related organizations
1. Takes note with concern of the reports submitted to the General Assembly by the Secretary-General on behalf of the Administrative Committee on Co-ordination, which show a continuing neglect of the observance of the principles related to respect for the privileges and immunities of officials of the United Nations and the specialized agencies and related organizations;
2. Expresses particular concern about the detention of a great number of officials of the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East and about the cases in which full exercise of the right of functional protection was impossible, as mentioned in the reports of the Secretary-General;
3. Reaffirms the above-mentioned resolutions;
4. Welcomes the measures already taken by the Secretary-General to enhance the safety and protection of international civil servants as outlined in paragraph 7 of the Secretary-General's report;
5. Calls upon the Secretary-General, as chief administrative officer of the Organization, personally to continue to act as the focal point in promoting and ensuring the observance of the privileges and immunities of officials of the United Nations and the specialized agencies and related organizations by using such means as are available to him;
6. Welcomes the designation by the Secretary-General of officials to undertake special responsibilities for the security and protection of the Organization's personnel and property;
7. Urges the Secretary-General to give priority through his designated officials as mentioned in annex III of document A/C.5/38/17 and Corr.1 to reporting and prompt follow-up of cases of arrest, detention and possible other matters relating to the security of officials of the United Nations and the specialized agencies and related organizations;
8. Calls upon the staff of the United Nations to comply with the obligations resulting from the Staff Regulations of the United Nations, in particular regulation 1.8;
9. Requests the Secretary-General, as Chairman of the Administrative Committee on Co-ordination, to suggest in his annual report, to be submitted to the General Assembly at its thirty-ninth session, further measures to be taken with regard to the safety and protection of international civil servants.
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