Question of American Samoa
- Author: UN General Assembly (37th sess. : 1982-1983)
- Document source:
23 November 1982
1. Approves the chapter of the report of the Special Committee on theSituation with regard to the Implementation of the Declaration on the Grantingof Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples relating to AmericanSamoa;
2. Reaffirms the inalienable right of the people of American Samoa toself-determination and independence in conformity with the Declaration on theGranting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples, contained inGeneral Assembly resolution 1514 (XV);
3. Reiterates the view that such factors as territorial size,geographical location, size of population and limited natural resources shouldin no way delay the speedy implementation of the Declaration contained inGeneral Assembly resolution 1514 (XV), which fully applies to American Samoa;
4. Calls upon the Government of the United States of America, as theadministering Power, to take all necessary steps, taking into account thefreely expressed wishes of the people of American Samoa, to expedite theprocess of decolonization of the Territory in accordance with the relevantprovisions of the Charter of the United Nations and the Declaration;
5. Reaffirms that it is the responsibility of the administering Powerto ensure that the people of American Samoa are kept fully informed of theirinalienable right to self-determination and independence in accordance withGeneral Assembly resolution 1514 (XV);
6. Recommends that, in accordance with the wishes of the people ofAmerican Samoa, the Chief Justice and Associate Justices should be appointedby the Governor and approved by the Legislature, a procedure now facilitatedby the growing number of American Samoans who are qualified lawyers, and thatthe recommendation of the second temporary Political Status Commission for achange in the judicial system should be acted upon;
7. Reaffirms the responsibility of the administering Power, under theCharter, for the economic and social development of the Territory;
8. Calls upon the administering Power, in co-operation with theterritorial Government and within the framework of the five-year economicdevelopment plan, to continue to help to strengthen and diversify the economyof the Territory in order to achieve self-sufficiency;
9. Urges the administering Power to continue to facilitate closerelations and co-operation between the people of the Territory and theneighbouring island communities and the regional institutions in order toenhance further their economic welfare;
10. Urges the administering Power, in co-operation with the freelyelected representatives of American Samoa, to safeguard the inalienable rightof the people of the Territory to the enjoyment of their natural resources bytaking effective measures to ensure their right to own and dispose of thoseresources and to establish and maintain control of their future development;
11. Considers that the possibility of sending a further visiting missionto American Samoa at an appropriate time should be kept under review;
12. Requests the Special Committee to continue the examination of thisquestion at its next session, including the possible dispatch of a furthervisiting mission to American Samoa at an appropriate time and in consultationwith the administering Power, and to report thereon to the General Assembly atits thirty-eighth session.
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