United Nations Conference on Conditions for Registration of Ships.
- Author: UN General Assembly (37th sess. : 1982-1983)
- Document source:
20 December 1982
1. Decides to convene, taking into account the recommendations of the Trade and Development Board at the first part of its twenty-fifth session and the conclusions of necessary preparatory work, a plenipotentiary conference early in 1984, for a period of three weeks, in order to consider the adoption of an international agreement concerning the conditions under which vessels should be accepted on national shipping registers;
2. Requests the Trade and Development Board to establish a Preparatory Committee for the United Nations Conference on the Conditions for Registration of Ships, open to the participation of all States;
3. Requests the Secretary-General of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development:
(a) To circulate to Governments for comments, at least nine months before the holding of the meeting of the Preparatory Committee, the set of principles drafted by the Intergovernmental Preparatory Group at its second session concerning the conditions under which vessels should be accepted on national shipping registers;
(b) To circulate the comments received to all Governments at least three months in advance of the meeting of the Preparatory Committee;
(c) To place before the Preparatory Committee all comments received from Governments;
(d) To transmit all relevant documentation to the Preparatory Committee and the Conference;
4. Decides that the Preparatory Committee, on the basis of the above documents, should prepare and recommend a draft international agreement on the conditions of registration of ships, taking fully into account the views of all interested parties;
5. Requests the Trade and Development Board, taking into account the work of the Preparatory Committee, to decide on appropriate dates for the convening of the Conference;
6. Requests the Secretary-General of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development to make all the necessary arrangements for holding the Conference, including the meetings of the Preparatory Committee, and to arrange for the necessary staff facilities and services that will be required;
7. Decides that the languages of the Conference shall be those used in the General Assembly and its Main Committees.
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