Report of the Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination.
- Author: UN General Assembly (37th sess. : 1982-1983)
- Document source:
3 December 1982
1. Takes note with appreciation of the report of the Committee on theElimination of Racial Discrimination on its twenty-fifth and twenty-sixthsessions;
2. Commends the Committee for its contribution to the elimination ofall forms of discrimination based on race, colour, descent or national orethnic origin, wherever it exists;
3. Strongly condemns the policy of apartheid in South Africa andNamibia as the most abhorrent form of racial discrimination and urges allMember States to adopt effective political, economic and other measures inorder to secure the elimination of that policy and to achieve fullimplementation of the relevant resolutions of the General Assembly, theSecurity Council and other United Nations bodies;
4. Calls upon the United Nations bodies concerned to ensure that theCommittee is supplied with all relevant information on all the Territories towhich General Assembly resolution 1514 (XV) of 14 December 1960 applies andurges the administering Powers to co-operate with these bodies by providingall necessary information in order to enable the Committee to discharge fullyits responsibilities under article 15 of the International Convention on theElimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination;
5. Commends the Committee for its continuous endeavours towards theelimination of apartheid, racism and racial discrimination in southern Africaand the implementation of United Nations resolutions relating to theliberation and independence of Namibia;
6. Takes note with satisfaction of the efforts of the Committee aimedat securing the prosperity of national or ethnic minorities and indigenouspopulations through the implementation of the principles and provisions of theConvention;
7. Expresses grave concern at the Israeli policy of defiance of thebasic principles and objectives of the Convention, as reflected in the reportof the Committee, and calls for the respect and preservation of the nationaland cultural identity of the Palestinian people;
8. Welcomes the efforts of the Committee aimed at the elimination ofall forms of discrimination against migrant workers and their families, thepromotion of their rights on a non-discriminatory basis and the achievement oftheir full equality and the possibility to preserve their culturalcharacteristics;
9. Commends the States parties to the Convention for measures taken toensure within their jurisdiction the availability of appropriate recourseprocedures for the victims of racial discrimination;
10. Calls upon all Member States to adopt effective legislative,socio-economic and other necessary measures in order to ensure the eliminationor prevention of discrimination based on race, colour, descent or national orethnic origin;
11. Calls upon the States parties to the Convention to protect fully, bythe adoption of relevant legislative and other measures, the rights ofnational or ethnic minorities, as well as the rights of indigenous populations;
12. Reiterates its invitation to the States parties to the Convention tofurnish the Committee, in accordance with its general guidelines, withinformation on the implementation of the provisions of the Convention,including information on the demographic composition of their population andon their relations with the racist regime of South Africa;
13. Takes note with appreciation of the Committee's contribution to thework of the Preparatory Sub-Committee for the Second World Conference toCombat Racism and Racial Discrimination and to the regional seminars held inimplementation of the Programme for the Decade for Action to Combat Racism andRacial Discrimination;
14. Welcomes the decision of the Committee to contribute to the SecondWorld Conference by preparing a study on the implementation of articles 4and 7 of the Convention and reiterates its request to the Committee toexplore the possibility of preparing also for the Conference a study on theimplementation of subparagraph (e) of article 5;
15. Takes note of decision 1 (XXVI) of 19 August 1982 of the Committeeon the Elimination of Racial Discrimination, in which the Committeerequested the Secretary-General, in consultation with the Government of thePhilippines, to explore the possibility of arranging for the twenty-eighthsession of the Committee to be held at Manila immediately prior to the holdingof the Second World Conference to Combat Racism and Racial Discrimination.
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