International co-operation in the field of the environment.

  • Author: UN General Assembly (37th sess. : 1982-1983)
  • Document source:
  • Date:
    20 December 1982
  The General Assembly, Having considered the report of the Governing Council of the United Nations Environment Programme on its tenth session, Taking note of Economic and Social Council resolution 1982/56 of 29 July 1982 on international co-operation on the environment, Taking into account the note by the Secretary-General on international conventions and protocols in the field of the environment, Recalling General Assembly resolution 36/192 of 17 December 1981, in which the Assembly reaffirmed the catalytic mandate and role of the United Nations Environment Programme and stressed the need for additional resources to be made available to the Fund of the United Nations Environment Programme so that the developing countries may deal with their most serious environmental problems, such as soil degradation and deforestation, which are examples of very severe deterioration of natural resources that call for particular attention, Bearing in mind the importance that the International Development Strategy for the Third United Nations Development Decade attaches to an ecologically sustainable development process and the need for further international co-operation in the field of the environment, and taking into account the fact that environmental considerations should be viewed in the context of national plans and priorities and development objectives of both developing and developed countries,

1. Takes note of the report of the Governing Council of the United Nations Environment Programme on its tenth session and the decisions contained therein;

2. Welcomes decision 10/13 of 31 May 1982, by which the Governing Council approved the structure and objectives of the system-wide medium-term environment programme and took note of its general content, appeals to Governments to continue to give support to the development and implementation of the programme and to take the necessary decisions in that regard in the appropriate governing bodies of the organizations of the United Nations system, and urges other organizations of the United Nations system to continue their close co-operation with the United Nations Environment Programme in the further refinement and implementation of the system-wide programme;

3. Welcomes also Governing Council decision 10/4 of 31 May 1982 entitled "Environment and development", in which the Council, inter alia, requested the Executive Director of the United Nations Environment Programme to identify areas for co-operation among developing countries in the field of the environment, and to identify expertise and institutions in developing countries capable of fostering that co-operation, as well as developing activities for horizontal co-operation based on such identification;

4. Welcomes further Governing Council decisions 10/6 of 31 May

1982, concerning ways and means of enabling the United Nations Environment Programme to assist developing countries in addressing their serious environmental problems, and 10/26 of 31 May 1982, concerning the provision of a mechanism within the existing structure of the United Nations Environment Programme for assisting developing countries in dealing with their serious environmental problems using voluntary resources additional to those available to the Fund of the Programme, inter alia, through counterpart contributions, urges Governments in a position to do so to provide assistance to that mechanism and expresses the hope that measures to be taken pursuant to those decisions will contribute to the effective implementation of the provisions of General Assembly resolution 36/192 and, in general, those of the International Development Strategy for the Third United Nations Development Decade with respect to ecologically sustainable development;

5. Welcomes the adoption by the Governing Council, in its decision

10/21 of 31 May 1982, of the programme for the development and periodic review of environmental law and the measures to be taken for the early effective implementation of that programme;

6. Takes note of Governing Council decision 10/14 of 31 May 1982 on programme matters, comprising seven specific subsections, and in this context:

(a) Takes note of the progress report on co-operation in the field of the environment concerning natural resources shared by two or more States, reiterates the terms of its resolution 34/186 of 18 December

1979 as a whole, and requests the Governing Council to submit a further progress report on its implementation to the General Assembly at its fortieth session;

(b) Takes note of the conclusions of the study of the legal aspects concerning the environment related to offshore mining and drilling within the limits of national jurisdiction, made by the Working Group of Experts on Environmental Law, and of the views of the Governments thereon, recommends that Governments should consider the guidelines contained in the conclusions when formulating national legislation or undertaking negotiations for the conclusion of international agreements for the prevention of pollution of the marine environment caused by offshore mining and drilling within the limits of national jurisdiction, and requests the Governing Council to submit to the General Assembly at its fortieth session a progress report on the use made of those conclusions;

(c) Takes note of the endorsement by the Governing Council, in section III of its decision 10/14, of the World Soils Policy, and invites Governments, organizations of the United Nations system and other appropriate international organizations to take into account the objectives of the World Soils Policy in formulating relevant national policies and programmes of work;

(d) Takes note of the action agreed by the Governing Council, in section I of its decision 10/14, on the future work with regard to the potential socio-economic impact of increased carbon dioxide concentration in the atmosphere;

7. Takes note of Governing Council decision 10/20 of 31 May 1982 on expansion and implementation of the regional seas programme;

8. Takes note also of Governing Council decision 10/7 of 28 May

1982 on the impact of apartheid on the environment aimed at promoting public awareness of the plight of the victims of apartheid;

9. Expresses the view that arrangements for the regional presence of the United Nations Environment Programme should take fully into account the specific situations and needs of the various regions, in accordance with Governing Council decision 10/2 of 31 May 1982 on the regional presence of the Programme;

10. Expresses its appreciation to Governments that have contributed to the Fund of the United Nations Environment Programme, particularly those that have maintained or increased the real value of their contributions;

11. Expresses its concern over the continued decline, in real terms, of the resources available to the Fund of the United Nations Environment Programme and the increasing trend towards late payment of pledged contributions, reiterates its appeal to Governments to increase their contributions to the Fund and appeals to all Governments that have not yet pledged contributions to the Fund for the years 1982 and 1983 to do so as soon as possible.


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