World Conference of the United Nations Decade for Women.

  • Author: UN General Assembly (35th sess. : 1980-1981)
  • Document source:
  • Date:
    11 December 1980

136. World Conference of the United Nations Decade for Women

The General Assembly, Recalling its resolution 3520 (XXX) of 15 December 1975, in which it proclaimed the period from 1976 to 1985 United Nations Decade for Women: Equality, Development and Peace and decided to convene a world conference at the mid-term of the Decade, Recalling also its resolution 34/158 of 17 December 1979 on the World Conference of the United Nations Decade for Women, Recalling further its resolution 34/180 of 18 December 1979, the annex to which contains the text of the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women, Reaffirming the principles and objectives set forth in the Declaration of Mexico on the Equality of Women and Their Contribution to Development and Peace, 1975[1] and in the World Plan of Action for the Implementation of the Objectives of the International Women's Year,[2] Bearing in mind its resolutions 3201 (S-VI) and 3202 (S-VI) of 1 May 1974, containing the Declaration and the Programme of Action on the Establishment of a New International Economic Order, 3281 (XXIX) of 12 December 1974, containing the Charter of Economic Rights and Duties of States, and 3362 (S-VII) of 16 September 1975 on development and international economic co-operation, Bearing in mind further the consensus achieved on the text of the International Development Strategy for the Third United Nations Development Decade,[3] in particular on the implementation of the objectives of the United Nations Decade for Women within the framework of the Strategy, Having considered the Report of the World Conference of the United Nations Decade for Women: Equality, Development and Peace,[4] Convinced that the Conference, by adopting the Programme of Action for the Second Half of the United Nations Decade for Women and other relevant decisions and resolutions,[5] has made an important and positive contribution to the attainment of the objectives of the Decade and permitted the maintenance of a policy framework to deal with the concerns of women, Recognizing the need for the active participation of women in the achievement of a just and lasting peace and social progress, the establishment of the new international economic order, complete respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms and the integration of women into the development process so that the equality of men and women may be affirmed and their situation improved, Reaffirming that the realization of equal rights for women at all levels and in all areas of life will contribute to the struggle for the elimination of colonialism, neo-colonialism, all forms of racism and racial discrimination and apartheid, Considering that the recommendations made in the Programme of Action and in other relevant decisions and resolutions adopted by the Conference should immediately be translated into concrete action by States, the organizations of the United Nations system and intergovernmental and non-governmental organizations,

1. Takes note with satisfaction of the Report of the World Conference of the United Nations Decade for Women: Equality, Development and Peace;

2. Endorses the Programme of Action for the Second Half of the United Nations Decade for Women, as adopted at the Conference;

3. Recognizes that the Conference made an important and constructive contribution by appraising the progress achieved and the obstacles encountered in the implementation of the objectives of the Decade and by preparing and adopting a programme for the next five years;

4. Affirms that the implementation of the Programme of Action should result in the complete integration of women into the development process and the elimination of all forms of inequality between men and women and will guarantee broad participation by women in efforts to strengthen peace and security throughout the world;

5. Affirms, in particular, that the implementation of the Programme of Action and of the relevant recommendations, decisions and resolutions of the Conference will contribute to the effective attainment of the objectives of the Decade;

6. Urges Governments to take appropriate measures to implement the Programme of Action and other relevant resolutions and decisions at the national, regional and international levels;

7. Requests, in particular, Member States when preparing and evaluating the execution of projects, programmes and plans of action at national, regional and international meetings to pay special attention to measures for the involvement and benefit of women;

8. Calls upon all Governments, organizations of the United Nations system and intergovernmental and non-governmental organizations to intensify, at regional levels, the dissemination of information and the exchange of experiences on the participation of women in all relevant programmes and information activities with a view to achieving the objectives of the Decade;

9. Requests the regional commissions to consider the Programme of Action with a view to formulating appropriate programmes for implementing the recommendations contained therein, including the organization of seminars, symposia and meetings which will contribute towards furthering the integration of women into the development process and the achievement of the objectives of the Decade;

10. Urges the regional commissions to report in full to the Economic and Social Council at its first regular session of 1982 on the specific aspects of the situation of women in all the sectors of their development programmes, in order to strengthen and reorient the reporting methods of those commissions so as to reflect more adequately the regional concerns of women, and thereafter to report on the same subject every two years;

11. Urges all the organizations of the United Nations system to take the necessary measures to ensure a concerted and sustained effort for the implementation of the Programme of Action and of other relevant resolutions and decisions of the Conference in the course of the second half of the Decade, with a view to achieving a substantial improvement in the status of women and to ensuring that all their programmes take into account the need for the complete integration of women;

12. Requests the Secretary- General to submit to the Economic and Social Council at its first regular session of 1981 proposals for the implementation of the Programme of Action, taking into account the need for the speedy establishment of the new international economic order and the implementation of the goals and objectives of the International Development Strategy for the Third United Nations Development Decade, which are indispensable for the advancement of women;

13. Also requests the Secretary-General to consider appropriate measures to enable the Commission on the Status of Women to discharge the functions assigned to it for the implementation of the World Plan of Action for the Implementation of the Objectives of the International Women's Year and the Programme of Action for the Second Half of the United Nations Decade for Women, and also requests him to take immediate action to strengthen the Centre for Social Development and Humanitarian Affairs of the Secretariat at Vienna;

14. Further requests the Secretary-General and international organizations to take all the necessary action to establish, where they do not already exist, focal points in all sectors of the organizations of the United Nations system in order to co-ordinate questions relating to women and integrate them into their work programmes;

15. Invites the Secretary-General to circulate the report of the Conference among Member States and intergovernmental and non-governmental organizations in order to ensure that it is publicized and disseminated as widely as possible;

16. Also invites the Secretary-General to submit to the General Assembly at its thirty-sixth session a report on the measures taken to implement the present resolution;

17. Decides to convene in 1985, at the conclusion of the Decade, a World Conference to Review and Appraise the Achievements of the United Nations Decade for Women;

18. Decides to, include in the provisional agenda of its thirty-sixth session the item entitled "United Nations Decade for Women: Equality, Development and Peace".

92nd plenary meeting
11 December 1980

[1] See Report of the World Conference of the International Women's Year, Mexico City, 19 June-2 July 1975 (United Nations publication, Sales No. E.76.IV.1), chap. I. [2] Ibid., chap. II, sect. A. [3] See sect. V, resolution 35/56, annex. [4] United Nations publication, Sales No. E.80.IV.3 and corrigendum. [5] Ibid., chap. I.

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