Measures to be taken against Nazi, Fascist and neo-Fascist activities and all other forms of totalitarian ideologies and practices based on racial intolerance, hatred and terror.
- Author: UN General Assembly (35th sess. : 1980-1981)
- Document source:
15 December 1980
200. Measures to be taken against Nazi, Fascist and neo-Fascist activities and all other forms of totalitarian ideologies and practices based on racial intolerance, hatred and terror
1. Condemns all forms of totalitarian ideologies and practices based on racial intolerance, hatred and terror, including Nazi, Fascist and neo-Fascist activities, and those based on systematic denial of human rights and fundamental freedoms;
2. Urges all States to give due consideration to implementing the provisions laid down in General Assembly resolution 2839 (XXVI) in accordance with the provisions of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, and especially to taking the necessary measures against activities of groups and organizations practising nazism, fascism, neo-fascism or other ideologies based on racial intolerance, hatred and terror, in accordance with the national constitutional systems;
3. Requests all States to provide the Secretary-General with their comments on those problems and on measures that should be taken at the national and international levels to eradicate nazism, fascism, neo-fascism and related ideologies based on racial intolerance, hatred and terror;
4. Requests the Commission on Human Rights to consider this subject at its thirty-seventh session under the agenda item entitled "Question of measures to be taken against ideologies and practices based on terror or incitement to racial discrimination or any form of group hatred";
5. Requests the Secretary-General to submit to the General Assembly at its thirty-sixth session, through the Economic and Social Council, a report in the light of the discussion to take place in the Commission on Human Rights and on the basis of comments provided by States.
96th plenary meeting15 December 1980
[1] Resolution 2542 (XXIV). [2] Resolution 1904 (XVIII). [3] Resolution 1514 (XV). [4] Resolution 217 A (III). [5] Resolution 2200 A (XXI), annex. [6] Resolution 2106 A (XX), annex. [7] Resolution 260 A (III), annex. [8] Resolution 2734 (XXV). [9] Resolution 2625 (XXV), annex. [10] Resolution 33/73.
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