United Nations Educational and Training Programme for Southern Africa.

  • Author: UN General Assembly (35th sess. : 1980-1981)
  • Document source:
  • Date:
    11 November 1980

30. United Nations Educational and Training Programme for Southern Africa

The General Assembly, Recalling its resolutions on the United Nations Educational and Training Programme for Southern Africa, in particular resolution 34/31 of 21 November 1979, Further recalling the provision in paragraph 4 of its resolution 34/31 by which it requested the Secretary-General, in consultation with the Advisory Committee on the United Nations Educational and Training Programme for Southern Africa, to complete arrangements for an early evaluation of the Programme in order to determine its effectiveness and identify priorities for further work, Having considered the report of the Secretary-General on the Programme for 1979/80,[1] containing an account of the work of the Advisory Committee during the year, Noting with appreciation the work of the Evaluation Group established by the Advisory Committee, on the basis of which the Committee formulated its conclusions and recommendations,[2] Taking note of the report of the Secretary-General on assistance to student refugees from Namibia, Zimbabwe and South Africa,[3] Recognizing that the Programme should be strengthened so as to enable it to meet adequately the related requirements of the growing outflow of student refugees from South Africa and Namibia, Taking account of the desirability of providing educational opportunities and counselling to student refugees in a broad spectrum of professional, cultural, technical and linguistic disciplines suitable for their future functions, notably in the fields of development and international co-operation, Recognizing that a substantial increase in contributions is required in view of the increased demand for assistance and the rising cost of scholarships brought' about by inflation,

1. Commends the Secretary-General and the Advisory Committee on the United Nations Educational and Training Programme for Southern Africa on the work they have accomplished in assessing the policy and operations of the Programme and determining the future course of the Programme in the light of the situation in southern Africa;

2. Endorses the conclusions and recommendations of the Advisory Committee contained in the report of the Secretary-General;

3. Decides that new scholarship awards under the Programme should continue to be granted to students from Zimbabwe for a one-year period dating from independence and that awards for Zimbabwean students already sponsored should be continued until completion of the courses for which the awards were granted;

4. Requests the Secretary-General and the Administrator of the United Nations Development Programme to take appropriate steps to ensure that the administration of the United Nations Educational and Training Programme for Southern Africa, both at Headquarters and in the field, is able to cope with the increased demand placed upon the Programme for the provision of educational and training assistance;

5. Expresses its appreciation to all States, organizations and individuals that have made voluntary contributions or provided scholarships to the Programme;

6. Appeals to all States,, organizations and individuals to make further generous contributions to the Programme so as to enable it 0 continue effectively and to expand its operations to meet the acute need for educational opportunities in southern Africa.

57th plenary meeting
11 November 1980

[1] A/35/525. [2] Ibid., para. 31. [3] A/35/149.

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