Regional arrangements for the promotion and protection of human rights.
- Author: UN General Assembly (34th sess. : 1979-1980)
- Document source:
17 December 1979
171. Regional arrangements for the promotion and protection of human rights
1. Notes with satisfaction that a United Nations Seminar on the Establishment of Regional Commissions on Human Rights with Special Reference to Africa was held at Monrovia from 10 to 20 September 1979 and adopted the Monrovia Proposal for the setting up of an African Commission on Human Rights,[3] as well as other conclusions and recommendations,[4] and expresses the hope that the recommendations of the Seminar will be given due consideration by the Governments and organizations concerned;
2. Reiterates its appeal to States in areas where regional arrangements in the field of human rights do not yet exist to consider agreements with a view to the establishment within their respective regions of suitable regional arrangements for the promotion and protection of human rights;
3. Requests once again the Secretary-General, under the programme of advisory services in the field of human rights, to explore with the States in the regions concerned the possibility of holding a seminar as soon as possible for the purpose of discussing methods for the promotion and protection of human rights;
4. Further requests the Secretary-General to report to the General Assembly at its thirty-fifth session on the implementation of the present resolution.
106th plenary meeting17 December 1979
[1] See Official Records of the Economic and Social Council, 1978, Supplement No. 4 (E/1978/34), chap. XXVI, sect. A. [2] A/34/359 and Add.l. [3] A/34/Add.1, annex I [4] Ibid., annex II.
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