United Nations Children's Fund.

  • Author: UN General Assembly (34th sess. : 1979-1980)
  • Document source:
  • Date:
    14 December 1979

105. United Nations Children's Fund

The General Assembly, Taking note of Economic and Social Council resolution 1979/53 of 2 August 1979, Having considered the report of the Executive Board of the United Nations Children's Fund on its session held at Mexico City from 21 May to 1 June 1979,[1] Having in mind its resolution 34/4 of 18 October 1979 on the International Year of the Child, in particular paragraphs 6, 7, 8 and 12 thereof,

1. Commends the policies and activities of the United Nations Children's Fund;

2. Endorses Economic and Social Council resolution 1979/53;

3. Fully appreciates the enlarged responsibilities of the United Nations Children's Fund and the broad range of activities on behalf of children to be undertaken by it in the light of the still enormous unmet needs of children in developing countries and the importance of maintaining and enhancing the new impetus to activities on their behalf generated by the International Year of the Child;

4. Commends the United Nations Children's Fund for its elaboration and implementation of the basic services approach for children as part of a comprehensive development strategy and emphasizes the importance of co-ordinating, in connexion with that approach, the activities of the Fund with those of other organs and specialized agencies in the United Nations system;

5. Expresses its appreciation to all Governments that are contributing to the United Nations Children's Fund and appeals, with a sense of urgency, to all Governments, especially those not contributing at a level commensurate with their capacity, to increase their contributions, if possible on a multiyear basis, so that the Fund may reach its revenue target of $290 million for 1981, as projected at the session of the Executive Board held at Mexico City from 21 May to 1 June 1979;[2]

6. Expresses its deep appreciation to Mr. Henry R. Labouisse for his distinguished service, dedication and personal involvement in the work of the United Nations Children's Fund for almost fifteen years as its Executive Director.

104th plenary meeting
14 December 1979

[1] Official Records of the Economic and Social Council, 1979, Supplement No. 11 (E/1979/41). [2] Ibid., para. 183.

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