Measures to be taken in connexion with the earthquake in Montenegro, Yugoslavia.

  • Author: UN General Assembly (34th sess. : 1979-1980)
  • Document source:
  • Date:
    29 November 1979

56. Measures to be taken in connexion with the earthquake in Montenegro, Yugoslavia

The General Assembly, Noting with deep regret the tragic consequences of the severe earthquake which struck the Montenegrin sea-coast of Yugoslavia, causing the loss of many human lives and enormous destruction and leaving more than 100,000 of the inhabitants homeless, Recalling Economic and Social Council resolution 1979/58 of 3 August 1979, Noting the energetic and urgent measures taken by the people and Government of Yugoslavia to provide immediate relief for the victims of the earthquake and to restore normal living conditions for the people, Noting also the long-term needs for the rehabilitation and reconstruction of the affected area and the measures taken in this regard by the Government of Yugoslavia, Taking note with appreciation of the assistance rendered, in the true spirit of international solidarity, to the people of Montenegro by many nations, the organizations of the United Nations system and various non-governmental organizations, and the role played by the United Nations Disaster Relief Co-ordinator, Noting, in particular, the assistance rendered by the United Nations Development Programme and the loan extended by the World Bank for the reconstruction of the stricken area,

1. Expresses its profound sympathy to the people of Montenegro and to the Government of Yugoslavia in this disaster;

2. Endorses the recommendations contained in Economic and Social Council resolution 1979/58, by which all States were invited to consider what further assistance they might be in a position to offer to Montenegro, and appeals to them to assist in the reconstruction of the stricken area;

3. Requests the Secretary-General and the executive heads of the specialized agencies and of the funds and programmes of the United Nations system to bear in mind the long-term needs for the rehabilitation and reconstruction of the area affected by the earthquake when deciding on services to be provided to Member States in the light of funds available.

82nd plenary meeting
29 November 1979

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